PGR3 OcUK Race Tonight?

had a good hour online, was good fun, some laughing and talking, hope to do it again some time.

" i got banana up my bum" :D
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Some very good races tonight. A good laugh. Apologies for any accidents i may have caused..none were intentional.

Sadly i dont have a headset but was enjoying listening in on all your convos! :D

..and apologies for the pan-american race we had early on. Think it took about 10 minutes to finish that race! :)
cheets64 said:
had a good hour online, was good fun, some laughing and talking, hope to do it again some time.

" i got banana up my bum" :D

That was just one of the delights from tonite :D

MrClegg - Hosting was superb, you're connection never faltered. Thanks again for a great evening, just need a headset ;)

Although it appears the old Xbox ones also work (just without the mute slider/vloume etc.)
Just messing offline as went online and got put in a race with a load of guys driving mclaren f1's but add me please ricky1981 on live as well and hopefully some of you have cars as pap as mine :)
Yeh, i'll try and bag a headset asap..never used online chatting things before, always thought they were a bit weird. But it'll deffo add to the experience this time round.

10meg blueyonder came in very handy..i'll be happy to host any time people are racing. :)
Heh, were far too good AtomicBanana. I think we should ban all players with a gamerscore of over, hmm, say 614 points. It's only fair :D

I'll be on later for sure..i'll keep my eyes peeled for you lot.
Last nite was a good laugh, I'll definatley be up for some racing tonite should I be about.

p.s. Banana is too good and should be restricted to class E cars :p
if there are any open slots next time I'm in! ID coasterjunkie.

EDIT: where are you all getting your Live sig bitmaps from?
bingham67 said:
must be getting worrying them lockups as the majority on here havnt complained about crashing you got it in a ventilated area yeh ?

Yea its in a vented area, after reading someother peoples 360 PGR3 lockup issues its not to do with overheating its cause id accessed the console thingy to change my music when the game was starting ment the console locked up :(

I will be playing tonight so get ready for a whoopin u all!

Ill defo be on 2nite to so can some1 plz invite me cheers :)

I wont be talking much as i dont have a headset been seaching everywhere but cant find one :(
Yes they do, just plug it straight into the 2.5mm jack. You don't get hardware control of the volume and mute with out a bit of modding but you can do it all through the guide anyway.
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