PGR3 OcUK Race Tonight?

no mate not hosting but add me to friends

Phate Brutus

then join my current session

mcdaniel is in here aswell
its full atm, when a space clears ill invite.

..i just ate my words - though i was last due to a extremely bad start!! (ended up 2nd)
McDaniel said:
its full atm, when a space clears ill invite.

..i just ate my words - though i was last due to a extremely bad start!! (ended up 2nd)

lol just came 2nd
Mcdaniel wasnt to far ahead of me 19 seconds......ehem.......
Anyone gonna be on after midnight? MUST watch Ghost Squad on E4 and then my engine is revving!!
22 seconds behind but came second.....ehem

i swear whenever it refreshes your 3 seconds further ahead of me
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