PGR3 OcUK Race Tonight?

its full atm, when a space clears ill invite.

..i just ate my words - though i was last due to a extremely bad start!! (ended up 2nd)
cheets64 said:
lol, i knew i had seen a ricky on here witha 360.

its great when you just get a few people on here racing, when you join a public game they all ahve f50 gt and bash to to ****

and you left me to be battered by a blue radical and green jag :(

thats cos the blue jag was 30 seconds ahead so i went to slow him down
BurningHorizons said:
Great racing tonight guys.
Really need to get a mic. I feel all left out! :(
Can't find one anywhere, so feel free to buy one, if you see one, and post it to me!!! ;)
Some fun races at the start where I had to make my way from 8th, due to pile ups!
What was that XKR radical thing about?
Couldn't quite get my head round why you didn't just run off into the distance.
Will see you tomorrow...

we tried to mock up cat and mouse from pgr2

baasically you have pairs, one with a super car, the other with a slow one - the idea is to let the slow car win, by pushing them with your supercar to get them faster and using the supercar to knock the others of the road. So basically the supercar acts as an escort for the slow car

it just didnt really work... lol
careful with selling outside MM can lead to nasty things!

im out tonight, but i might allow my housemate to play - so if im online but silent its him :)
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