PGR4 - Ingame shots

20 Apr 2004

These have been doing the rounds (hope its ok to link to them, I'll delete if not).

When quizzed whether they've been taken from the replay mode Bizarre replied, we can be sure they're not as we've not got a replay mode yet.



tbh i will wait till i see the actual ingame videos of it.
I remember the 'In game shots' of PGR3 before it came out, which where pretty much the photo mode ones.
I mean for a start, how if you are playing the racing game could you ever get the camera in the angle it is in the top shot?

I hope they are ingame shots, but i hope they return the PGR2 fun too it. In fact i'd be happy with PGR2 style radios again lol
smcshaw said:
C'mon now... that's mean.
My mates back this weekend, gotta get him smashed and find out what locations are in there. He said it's top secret and he can't say. 5 Bacardi Breezers and I'm away... wait, no... thats with girls.

I'll find a method!!
Despite what the OP says, I'm sceptical about them being 'in game'.

They hardly look like the easiest of angles to drive from.
I don't think there is any doubt as to whether they are rendered in real-time, I'm sure they are, I just don't see how the top one (especially) can possibly be in-game. I believe we are a generation or 2 away from reaching that goal.
Just the fact that they've said "its not replay mode because we dont have one yet" it doesn't mean the screenshots are in-game :p

My bet is its an intro sequence or something similar.
Can anyone translate the text top right in the bottom pic. It has the word replay in there but the rest might as well be foreign...oh hang on!
Is it possible they are in game and the developers have just worked their mojo to get those angles? E.g. by placing 'cameras' in the right places.
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