Philips 200W6CS Died On Me

24 Mar 2003
My Philips 200w6cs died on me yesterday. Just browsing a webpage and poof!! The screen goes black. Thought it was my computer being silly at first but then tried my 360 and no video from that either! :(

Anyhow it powers up but I get nothing onscreen. Just wondering has anyone ever dealt with Philips warranty returns? It taken me ages to get them to spell my name correctly and hasn't really filled me with confidence! They didn't have stock of my monitor and stated it would take up to 2 days to get the stock! not very happy! :(

I'm in the process of arranging a swap out on mine too. Like you they took my details wrong and also like you I was told to wait two days for stock. Thus far its been 6 days and still no word. Not very impressive for suchy a large company - I'll be feeding that back when I reciece my replacement.

You would think that a company that makes tft's will have them in stock every day..

You just expect them to have them, i rang up viewsonic earlier to get a replacement because my VX922 arrived with a huge green line down the screen, and they said no stock :mad:

One bloke said two weeks,

another bloke said 5 days,
Well looks like I will have to keep bugging them then. Using a very old monitor atm the screen shakes and its the size of a car! :p
I mailed them today and to their credit I received a fast response. Sadly it wasnt what I wanted to hear. Out of stock, I'll be contacted when its back in stock. So for the last 8 days Phillips do not have any stock of their own monitor.

I'd think twice about buying from Phillips after this experience. Its a shame the monitor was so darn nice otherwise I wouldnt be waiting for a replacement.
I called them yesterday and they now state 5 days?! :( I also tried changing my contact number with them, and it took them 12 mins for the guy to grasps onto what I wanted to do.

They also told me this time not to even box the monitor, but just give it to the carrier without any leads etc. So just the bare monitor I find this a bit odd?

Anyhow they are a joke and I will never buy a Philips screen now. Which monitor are you waiting for mate? and how did it die?
Hi - mine is a 600wcs too. After a couple of weeks it started to show a discoloured vertical band near the mjiddle of the screen. It was intermitant though, but has steadily got worse and now it shows it all the time. I've changed video cards, cables, drivers and it persisted so its deffo a monitor issue.

Going back to my old Iiyama 483 shows me how good the Phillips picture is, but if this isnt sorted in the next few days I'll be looking elsewhere I think. Wish English was the first language of the support staff too.
The monitor itself was ace. Its just a big shame with the support side. :( I'm also worried that I'm gonna get a replacement 05 version unlike the better 00 version you get from ocuk!
Just gave them yet another call and still no stock. Tried snagging an upgrade but the guy stated "the computer says no" in Dutch! And found out they still had my address wrong!!!! FOR GODS SAKE!!!!! :D

I strongly advise not getting a Philips monitor now to anyone. They're good whilst they last but the support is the worst I have ever come accross.
I've been told the monitors are due in next Tuesday. That would be a two week wait for a replacement - not good enough imo.

To cap off an unlucky week my back up Iiyama died last night too - unbelievable. Of course Iiyama have no stock either for the swap out......aaaaaarrrrrgh.
Get them phoned mate! just rang them and they shipped mine. :) said I could even get it tommorow! fingers crossed! :)
Also just to note this time they told me to remove the stand/base. Thing is mine came with it allready attached?!?!
Phoned up again today - still not in stock (for me). Advice? 'Phone up a lot and you may get lucky if one comes in while we are on the phone'. Brilliant.

Hope you get yours soon mate,

Just rang them to confirm as I can't trust them now. And its deffo been shipped. Got shipped this morning around 3am. And the person I spoke with could actually speak good english! :)
Its still not come mate. Was supposed to be here today! I've given up hope and I really do advise anyone considering a Philips screen to stay well away!!!!! :( Oh and I did give them yet another ear full today. Found out they pass on most warrenty cases to these guys
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