Photographs ( My recent odds n sods )

5 Nov 2004
Hello everybody,
Heres another recent batch of photographs of mine that I thought I would share for viewing.
I never really seem to just post the odd shot anymore so I just do a batch every now and then.

If you want to view any of my other work then please go to This has the majority of my work on it while I still attempt to construct my own website.

Here are the selection of pictures (15 images, so warning for 56k'ers)

Image 1. "Take me home"


Image 2. "Trapped"


Image 3. "Final Flight of 815"


Image 4. "Over the hill"


Image 5. "Giving God my time"

Excellent photographs mate. I especially like "take me home" and "over the hill". But then I'm a sucker for IR as I've not really got around to doing any !

Critique wise, "Trapped" doesn't really do much for me as the lower 1/2 of the
photo doesn't make any sense. The picture of "Rosberg" is good and tonal but may have better if he glanced up and you focused on his eyes.
"Porcelain", whilst I'm not a fan of flower photos is very colourful and nicely
presented but as there does not seem to be any real sharp focus point my
eye wanders all over it looking for one. "Sensors" is a much better job of
focus and colour. And "Giving god my time" is a really good attempt at star
trails which make me think about doing something similar !

This is an interesting post. I'm not sure if you intended it this way or not but it does show your strengths and weaknesses. Landscapes, macros, abstract, IR, etc all with great bold colours and very slick post processing. But then we have the portrait and the car which I'm sorry to say are just a bit dull. The portrait is soft and doesn't really do anything for me. No eye contact, or story to tell. The car also is just another panning shot. Its got a cool thing going on with the alloys but compared to the other shots those 2 are pretty flat. The rest rawk like a 1960's band at a stadium full of girls throwing their knickers at them :D
I really appreciate the feedback there pete. Both the portrait and car shot have a story behind it.

The car shot is only there because I went to look at a M6 over the weekend and just thought Id upload it for a personal reason. When it comes to motorsport I do pan a car in full view.. Although I didnt with this one and regret it coz It was gorgeous. But I only caught it for a few ticks.

The portrait of Keke Rosberg I probably doesnt work well for the soft reason but he was signing an autograph and I guess I wanted the picture to come across like that. I couldnt of got any book he was signing in the shot due to the crowd..

Critic duely noted thanks :)

Puz. Thanks for all your feedback too :)
Firstly let me say I'm very impressed. I've really let my photography wane in recent months and I've my motivation. This little lot has made me realise once again how much there is out there to shoot, so thanks for that. I have to say I like your style and I'm impressed with these images.

So take it as read that I like your work. These are merely my thoughts on each image and what does and doesn't work for me.

1. Very nice shot, slightly spooky and has an ethereal quality to it that works very well. Only downsides are the vignetting in the top corners and the bright object slap bang in the centre of the frame. Not sure if this is intentional but it's a bit off-putting for me.

2. Top half is a great little macro but the bottom half is too gaudy and overpowering. I'd prefer to see a little more detail, a lot more web and less yellow.

3. Great shot, really like this one. Can't stop looking at it. Must... stop... looking. Would make a great poster/canvas.

4. Another lovely landscape shot here, but I feel the crop on the RHS is a bit harsh. My eye keeps getting dragged off to the right and the shot feels a bit unbalanced. Is the wisp of blue/green in the top right intentional or a result of the PP?

5. Not sure about this one. I like the idea but I don't like the shot. It's a good experimental piece though.

6. A bit plain and boring but I understand you have a reason for including.

7. Bit too stark for my liking. Not sure if that's the intention but I'd prefer to see some texture and variance of shade. I'd certainly like to see it in colour.

8. Nice macro but slightly distracting to look at. Firstly my eye gets pulled away from the flower by the white patch in the top left, then I notice the yellow in the bottom left and then I notice the half-in-focus leaf just under the flower. I'd prefer to see a more detailed study of the flower itself - which is actually a rather good shot. I could look at the flower for ages and not get bored.

9. I like the subject matter and I like the style but I think the focal point needs to be on the spiky part of the flower rather than the petals closest to us. When I'm shooting flower macros I try to find a plant with no damage (or as little as possible) so it looks 'perfect' and I'm afraid I find the damage a bit distracting. A little bit of work in PS would clean this one up nicely if you wanted to - but you might be going for a different feel with your shot!

10. I like this as an image - very striking and certainly grabs your attention. Only thing is that the longer I look at it the more I have to look away from the sun and I notice the large expanse of dark at the bottom. Maybe a tighter crop? I have to say I'm undecided about this one.

11. Yep, that's a lovely picture. Very restful and chilled. Maybe it's just my monitor but there doesn't appear to be a lot of detail in the rocks - it's almost a silhouette but not quite and I'd like to see it go definitely one way or the other. I'd like to see the left of the photo cropped to remove the tree - if that is a tree - and concentrate on the building.

12. Nice shot but not a lot of detail there. There does seem to be something poking out of the horizon that could give some interest to the shot - maybe a bit more PP to bring that out? Lovely colours though.

13. Cracking shot, probably the best of the lot for me. Another one I can't stop looking at. Crazy, just crazy.

14. More my cup of tea this one and a very good macro. Might be my eyes but I can't see a focus point, which for my money should be right on the very ends of the stamens and nothing more. Can see this on a canvas or used commercially.

15. Definitely the odd one out. A nothing pic compared to the others, but I appreciate you have your reasons for showing.

PS. I see you have a IR modified 5D - how does that work then?

I didnt expect for any critic but damn thanks for such indepth per image.

I can honestly say I wasnt aware of the problems with image 1 !!! How I missed that is just terrible. I tell you what that was. It took me a long time to get this image as I needed to adjust my angle to allow plenty of light to get a good Long exposre in IR on my canon camera (due to the lack of IR ability in the Canon range)
My 17 - 40 was getting a lot of flare with the supplied hood so I had to use the 100 - 400's hood and zoom out to about 28mm.. so thats what you can see!! (not anymore, ive edited it out now. Thanks Glich :) )

I will bare this critic in mind and try and apply all this new feedback to my next batch of photographs.

I think you read my page wrong mate. Im getting a 5D converted to IR next year. Im using a 30D at the moment :)
No worries about the critique, had some time on my hands and liked what I saw.

So this 5D then. Is it an expensive modification? Does it then knacker the camera for 'normal' photography?
You can do it to almost any camera. a 5D is a push. I was going to do it to my 20D but it had to get replaced. I'l prob look for a used one and pay to get it done.

$350 for them to convert your SLR for you. $250 for a nikon model.

Or pay for the hot mirror $95 and do it yourself.
Some great shots there F11. Good to see you posting again :)

Both the IRs really do it for me, I love No. 1. My favs of the rest are 5 & 9. Great stuff :)
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