Photography Advise

7 May 2006
Hey everyone

I've been thinking for a while to start getting into Photography. I'm a amateur at the moment but do enjoy photography and have been thinking lately to take it another step further and start practicing more and maybe if I enjoy it enough look into a starting a business as I’ve always dreamed of working for myself.

The question I am really asking is I need to get a good camera with the equipment (lenses, tripod and printer) to start me off. Now I have seen the Canon EOS 350D which I know is probable one of the best out at the moment but its expensive I think for my first really good camera. I think basically what I am asking is I need a camera which will be up to the standard of what a photographer would use at a wedding plus what lens of course.

If this has made any sense :p and someone would like to give me some advise on where to start, what I should need and any tips or tricks (website as well ;) )

How much are you looking to spend? Really, to get a decent set up you need a good camera body and excellent lens. Why not see if you can buy a second hand 300d body or similar. Then go out and buy a decent second hand lens, will still set you back around £450-500 though..
It’s not really that I have a budget in mind its more that I don’t really know what I should buy to start me off. I mean if everyone said to me save you're money and get the 350d as that’s the worth the money or these reason x,y,z then I probable would get that. But if there's a camera that’s reasonably to the same level and half the cost then would make sense to me to get that one instead if you get what i mean :D
Duggan said:
It’s not really that I have a budget in mind its more that I don’t really know what I should buy to start me off.

Ok, first ask yourself:

1) What do I want to photograph e.g. sports, macro (closeup), landscape, portraits or a mix of everything?
2) How much do I know about photography at the moment? Do I know what the relationships between aperture, shutter speed, ISO, white balance etc etc are?
3) Do I have a disposable income that would allow me to spend as much as I need on something I am just wanting to dip my toe into to start off with?

Duggan said:
I mean if everyone said to me save you're money and get the 350d as that’s the worth the money or these reason x,y,z then I probable would get that. But if there's a camera that’s reasonably to the same level and half the cost then would make sense to me to get that one instead if you get what i mean :D

Yes the Canon 350d is a lovely camera, its entry level in terms of getting into Digital SLR photography, but in comparison with the nice Digital Compact cameras you can buy from anywhere, its very very advanced.

I would suggest if any of the 3 questions I have put above have 'don't knows' in your answer...then I would start to think about beginning where everyone in the digital age should begin with photography. Go and buy a nice Digital Compact Camera, SLR in style (not necessarily function) or other...and just go out and enjoy taking photos :) Buy a book, read up about how to use cameras to their full on the internet (its all out there) post on here with questions etc etc.

Hope this helps somewhat.
I'll just complicate things by saying if your looking at a Digital SLR then don't forget the Nikon D50 or offering from other manufacterers, best to find a camera that you feel comfotable with, something you can only find out by going and playing with them in the shops
A few things to consider when turning Pro

  • If you are planning on doing wedding photography then you'll need at least 2 camera bodies - One for backup
  • Don't expect to start making profits in your first couple of years. Every business has start up costs, advertising, insurance and you'll need time to establish yourself.
  • Shadowing a Pro for a year will give valuable experience and skills.
Cheers guys. Well i have a little time on my hands tonight....... (Working A good old night shift :D ) i ll have a look at a few camera and post them here see any from the selection stand out as a option.
Originally Posted by Duggan
I mean if everyone said to me save you're money and get the 350d as that’s the worth the money or these reason x,y,z then I probable would get that. But if there's a camera that’s reasonably to the same level and half the cost then would make sense to me to get that one instead if you get what i mean.

Sorry when I said the 350d I meant the CANON EOS 5D even :rolleyes: (i must need sleep or something) thou I have been looking the 350d as a possible starter I am guessing that the pro's use the CANON EOS 5D or there about. Is any one a photographer here and what cameras do you use, what results do you get?
You can take bad photos with the best camera in the world!

It is possible to learn the basics (fundamentals) of photography with an inexpensive camera, but if you want to improve you really should (as you are stating) get an SLR. The most important aspect to conquer is Depth of Field and you can only really control this properly with an SLR. (Other forum members might and will disagree I'm sure)

I'd suggest you try and join a local photographic club, do night classes (or day classes in your case), join the local library and read up (when your're on your night shift) as much as you can!

Professional Wedding Photography is a very cut throat business most Brides and Grooms only get one "Go" and a bad set of photos to remind them of their happy day could soon ruin an up-and-coming business.
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