Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone knows what class of property is needed for a photography studio?
I'm thinking A1, as it will be displaying products for sale etc but is it classed as a professional service?
It'll also be used as a general office to run other things such as social media programs for other companies. blogging etc during down time.
Just wondering if anyone knows what class of property is needed for a photography studio?
Clas A1. Shops
Use for all or any of the following purposes—
(a) for the retail sale of goods other than hot food,
(b) as a post office,
(c) for the sale of tickets or as a travel agency,
(d) for the sale of sandwiches or other cold food for consumption off the premises,
(e) for hairdressing,
(f) for the direction of funerals,
(g) for the display of goods for sale,
(h) for the hiring out of domestic or personal goods or articles,
(i) for the reception of goods to be washed, cleaned or repaired,
where the sale, display or service is to visiting members of the public.
Class A2. Financial and professional services
Use for the provision of —
(a) financial services, or
(b) professional services (other than health or medical services), or
(c) any other services (including use as a betting office) which it is appropriate to provide in a shopping area,
where the services are provided principally to visiting members of the public.
Class B1. Business
Use for all or any of the following purposes—
(a) as an office other than a use within class A2 (financial and professional services),
(b) for research and development of products or processes, or
(c) for any industrial process,
being a use which can be carried out in any residential area without detriment to the amenity of that area by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust or grit.
I'm thinking A1, as it will be displaying products for sale etc but is it classed as a professional service?
It'll also be used as a general office to run other things such as social media programs for other companies. blogging etc during down time.