Photoshop Request - asking too much?

25 Aug 2006
I've seen a design i like and would like to have the design edited so i can use them on some gifts for my team at Xmas!

If it's too much work, don't worry i'll think of something else - but if anyone can do this, i'll happily throw a fiver into their GoFundme page, paypal etc.

Original image:

top right).

Required image:

Full UK map and where it says "no text", i'd like to add the team members names in (5 team members, so 5 different images).

Like i say, if it's asking too much or there's no interest, i'll think of something else - thanks all!!


  • nfGGxfD.jpg
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Couldn't fit the TARDIS with the original name font size. So just used something a bit more suitable in the mockup.

Can do the five names later when I'm given them. And the fiver should go to a charity of your choice in your name.

Holy poop! That is awesome!! I'll trust over the names. I'm going to get some mugs made up with the design on - i'll post the pics when done (may even become the team letterhead :))

Please send me your pp details too - let me at least buy you a beer/coffee.

Thank you.

ETA: can't trust you "This user has not configured his/her trust account
If this is your account please login to activate your trust"
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I'll be honest, I have no idea how to even configure the trust account deal. I have just gone through my account settings and enabled messaging from members now, I think that was the only thing that might have impacted it, so it's that's not it. Someone will need to run me through how to enable it.

:: edit ::

OK, so I tried to click on Trust for you and it asked me to loging to the trust part of OCUK, and I think I've got that sorted now. Just let me know when you've tried sending anything so I know to go check.

I blame @CREATIVE!11 for forcing me to drop that mock up else OP may have headed elsewhere. :p ;)

Your trust is working!! I will send you over the names. However, could i ask one last thing......................

Is there anywhere on the design to fit a Typhoon aircraft? Maybe a watermark over the UK map?

Or a vector drawing of the UK Typhoon?

If that's too much trouble, or it doesn't look right - then no problem, what you have done is amazeballs :)
Agree. Auntie Beeb will have a fit and be ALL OVER your rear end if you printed the mock TARDIS pic AND the name Meddling-Monk.

Will see what can be done about the Typhoon Jet (just saw that request addition now), will have some mock ups for that later. Will send you a few images of the font sizes for the names and which is preferred, as well as blip design so can get those ready for after I see if there's a good place or position to place the Typhoon.

v3 i think - it looks great. I am so glad you understood what i meant when i was talking about the red dot :D

I think the Typhoon would be the icing on the cake - but i bow down to your design skills.
That is hilarious! Very good spot @darael.

Yeah, that would be unusable and could actually get us in trouble as no doubt management would think it was deliberate.

I was thinking just one typhoon - maybe facing us as a watermark, or a side profile running through the map.
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@Meddling-Monk @ivrytwr3
I was honestly found nothing wrong with the mug, not even thinking about checking the binary! I just wanted the OP to think that there was something wrong with it when there wasn't, like those Photoshop threads where nobody actually changes the original image. I thought maybe I was being trolled, but after checking it for myself I can confirm that the binary does indeed spell out a contain f-word. :eek:

Seems like I accidentally saved the day. :o:D


M-Monks work is amazing - can't wait to show the finished product here. But the work is that good, i am looking to get mugs, use the design on the teams stationary/site and also have some 'coins' made up to present to people.

So that could have been REALLY embarrassing.
Well, what can i say, through conversation between Monk and I, the original concept has grown into something even better.

I have to say a huge thank you, we went back and forth on design concepts - for someone doing this on their own time and without any reward is a testament to this mans skills and compassion!

Also thank you to darael for saving me from embarrassment/sacking :)
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Images received and accepted - order submitted!!

I'll post some pics when received and i'll also donate £10 to a local charity.

I really appreciate your help Monk - there aren't many people who would to the lengths to help someone the way you have helped me. Definitely one of the good guys :)
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