[PHP Includes] Simple - but confused?

Hi there,

Sorry to drag up an old topic, but my I ask why the require function is better than include?

or is this the only advantage:

php.net said:
require() and include() are identical in every way except how they handle failure. include() produces a Warning while require() results in a Fatal Error. In other words, don't hesitate to use require() if you want a missing file to halt processing of the page. include() does not behave this way, the script will continue regardless. Be sure to have an appropriate include_path setting as well.

if the require fails, it halts all operations. Include does not.

Chances are, if you are including another php file.. you don't want the rest of the script to run without it.
Dj_Jestar said:
__FILE__ would also relate to which ever file is doing the including, unfortunately. :)

I know for a fact it doesn't, seriously.

Stick this in foo.php:




this in bar.php:


require 'foo.php';


and run both. The output is

string(7) "foo.php"

on both of them :)
Conrad11 said:
Hi there,

I am stuck on using an Include in PHP. I have tried:

Basic Include:
include 'includes/theader.inc';
include 'tutorials.inc';
include 'includes/tfooter.inc';

Http Include:

include 'http://www.bf2tricks.ubersol.co.uk/verynew/includes/theader.inc';
include 'http://www.bf2tricks.ubersol.co.uk/verynew/tutorials.inc';
include 'http://www.bf2tricks.ubersol.co.uk/verynew/includes/tfooter.inc';

The three files are:

theader.inc (In an includes folder)
tfooter.inc (In an includes folder)
tutorials.php (In the same folder)

I am trying to include them all together to make my page and I get nothing: Click Here. What am I doing wrong?



As there is no index page as of yet, you can view my file structure: Click Here

You forgot the brackets, its:

include ('includes/theader.inc');
Noxis said:
You forgot the brackets, its:

include ('includes/theader.inc');

Nah, include, include_once, require and require_once are all language constructs - just like echo or print - and thus don't require brackets.
d'oh yea - it was the exec() command I remember spending hours trying to figure it why it was not working a while ago - forgot brackets :p

Edit: also just read the whole thread - php t'aint working on that host.
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