PHP or Server Date/Time DST Issue

3 Jun 2005
The South
Brains a bit frazzled so i'm assuming i'm being a little slow but the situation/issue is - i have two servers, same PHP version on both (5.2.17), same timezone (Europe/London) on both which is set correctly via php.ini, both report that we're current in DST/BST and give the current GMT difference but when outputting the time, one is running an hour slow. :confused:

Is it likely to be a simple case of system clock error, with one possibly being UTC/GMT and the other being corrected for DST/BST (unfortunately i don't have SSH access to either servers otherwise i'd check)?
Although i've always assumed if the timezone is set correctly within PHP then date functions automatically counter for any DST offset :confused:

Cheers for any help!
One's on BST and the other is on GMT. Are either VMs?

Should be able to shell out to time or date (never remember which is which) in a php script, also may be able to cat /etc/timezone/ or whatever it is on the host OS.
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