phpbb2 spam question

30 Jan 2005
hey guys, im currently using phpbb2 for a warcraft guild site, and every single day we get bombarded with fake sign ups with people offering viagra and stuff like that, its set at the moment so people need to verify their email and they need to type in some characters when registering, but that doesn't help. is the only way to stop this to have admin aproval for all accounts, or is there like an addon with further security sign up measures?

ive banned all the ip's aswell with no luck, still get tons of new signups a day.
What email addresses are they using? You could ban certain email addresses. When I ran a forum I banned anything .ru and a bunch of other ones that spammers seemed to use...
Adding a new option on signup such as answering a basic question etc. Basically adding something unusual which is not on 'standard' template phpBB2 forums. Also removing the memberlist from public view, so only registered members can view this list. Another method is to disallow links to be posted unless the members have over 'x' amount of posts.

Maybe also only allowing certain profile customizations to be added once a user has hit 'x' amount of posts, such as the website input, instant messaging usernames etc.

Just a few ideas. There are also a lot of forum mods listed on the official website: .
Upgrade to PHPBB3 beta, it is miles ahead of 2 in all ways, and from what I have used the beta is perfectly usable.
Hxc said:
Upgrade to PHPBB3 beta, it is miles ahead of 2 in all ways, and from what I have used the beta is perfectly usable.

Yep I host my clans forum with PHPBB3 beta it's very stable no spam sign ups yet all is good.
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