Pick me a new HD

6 Jul 2006
South East
Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 160GB ST3160811AS SATA-II 8MB Cache - OEM


Western Digital Caviar RE 160GB 1600YS SATA-II 16MB Cache - OEM

Is the Cache level all that important :confused: Any comments welcome (unless they rude :p )
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As with all threads along these lines, can you provide a bit more information?

What are you going to be using the drive for? How much space do you need? What's your budget? etc.
rpstewart said:

Seagate 7200.10, 200Gb. It's a bit more than the 7200.9 but it's a fair bit faster than either of the two you've listed.

The size of the cache isn't going to make a huge difference in real world scenarios.

Ah yes i did look at that one, didnt notice it was faster tbh (teach me to stay up late browsing half-asleep) only a few more £'s and that i can live with, cheers. :cool:
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