pickin 360 up in a hour what game..

kameo it just doesn't appeal to me it reminds me of the likes of Zelda, WOW & all them other out of this world RPG's the people i know that play them were either severly bullied or had fleas

i havn't looked into the game but thats the way it looks after seeing vids and the box
Id reccomend Kameo if your not a fan of racing games, but i wasnt a big fan of racing games but i must admit when you get in a good online game of PGR it is a very fun experience; but you do get the annoying ones with kids screaming across the mics.... and some players looking to spin you rarther then race but a good room an be a very fun thing.
riddler said:
kameo it just doesn't appeal to me it reminds me of the likes of Zelda, WOW & all them other out of this world RPG's the people i know that play them were either severly bullied or had fleas

i havn't looked into the game but thats the way it looks after seeing vids and the box

I have Kameo and im none of the above. Maybe your scared you will like it too much or someone will make fun of you for playing it.

Truth is mate its a damn good game and your missing out on it.

Paul ...
It's a great single player game? I'm thinking you're maybe getting it confused with a MMRPG. You can play some of the levels coop but that's it for multiplayer.

And if you get it, we promise not to make fun at your mr ;)
riddler said:
but its not a good SP game?

Huh? It's multiplayer mode is pretty weak, Kameo is first and foremost a single player game.

riddler said:
i'm not scared of anyone making fun at me mr. i just feel i'm a bit cooler than you ;)

Kameo isn't really an RPG, more of a platformer in my opinion. I'm not a fan of Kameo myself, it wasn't quite cerebral enough for me, but I would have loved it if it had been more like the games you described as being uncool.

But anyway, you would consider me uncool because I like RPG's? I'm a bodybuilder, I have modelled in the past (am still on the books for two London agencies). I'm a singer/songwriter who fronts a band and I was the most popular kid in my year at school (as much as I hated that). What the hell has a persons taste in games got to do with whether they are cool or not? And more to the point who even cares about being "cool" anyway?

Do you not realise that the most "uncool" people are those who strive to be cool. Those who are genuinely "cool" probably couldn't care less.
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Hmmm if its your only game I would stay clear of PGR3. It can get repetative extremely quickly. Its a damn good game but I found after driving a couple levels and trying out all the cars I got bored.

I like NFS:MW though. Hours replayability just driving around hitting things. :)

I am thinking of getting kameo myself (local shop has it 3nd hand for £34.99 which is a bargin).
I have to disagree about Kameo, I have played some of it and although its a very good looking game, I just didnt get on with it at all. It was one of the games I was really looking forward to playing but it isnt all that.

If you can only afford a game or two then I would stay away from Kameo and get something else, they have a demo of it on the Official Xbox 360 magazine so you try it out before you buy, put it this way im really glad I didnt spend £40 on it.
the 1st game you get just has to be PGR3 , it really is a stunnin gdriving game, and geniune next gen graphics, espec if you have a HD ready TV
got my xbox, i picked up DOA4 and the nerd guy who was a model ehm i checked out your personal site...what did you model for? :o

i see you take my opinion quite seriously i like that :) sorry if i offended you but if you cant handle my opinion dont use the net :D

DOA4 is great good looking smashing gameplay i'm looking to buy another game tomorrow so ill post up what its like!
got PGR3 with my box, tbh i haven't touched it in days now I'm waiting for burnout revenge.

pgr3 is a merely average racer graphics aside.
riddler said:
and the nerd guy who was a model ehm i checked out your personal site...what did you model for? :o


Check out the above link, one of the two agencies I am on the books for still. (Although I gave up modelling some time ago)

Go to the mens section and you will see me there. Third row down, fourth along. Old pics from before I began working out but you can see some more recent ones in my Bodybuilding guide which is "stickied" in the sports forum here on OcUK.

And what personal site are you talking about? I don't have one.

riddler said:
i see you take my opinion quite seriously i like that :) sorry if i offended you but if you cant handle my opinion dont use the net :D

I am not offended in any way, I am merely pointing out your error. I can handle opinions fine so long as they have some reasoning behind them. But when you make a statement like "all people who play RPG's are nerds" you have to expect to be pounced on.

Why don't you tell us all what makes you so cool that it gives you the right to consider me a nerd? :p ;)
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didn't say i was cool just cooler than you :D ;)

its just god's way of saying ul lol i admitt i played WOW till level 37 :(

no but from my experiance they are..ive met many at lan & college there total nut cases

**EDIT** i'm sure it was someone else...whos site did i look at then


lol sorry when you said modelling and i looked at his site, it made me chuckle as i thought it was him that said it...

mybad :(
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riddler said:
didn't say i was cool just cooler than you :D


riddler said:
its just god's way of saying ul lol i admitt i played WOW till level 37 :(

Ahh your coolness factor just increased in my eyes! Although unfortunately, I have never played WoW so by your own admission you're a whole 37 levels "geekier" than me. :D

I do love a good RPG though. Ones with good plots anyway.

riddler said:
no but from my experiance they are..ive met many at lan & college there total nut cases

I'm sure there are plenty who do fit the stereotype of the word "nerd" pretty well. That doesn't mean all RPG fans are that way though. A persons "coolness" is not defined by their taste in computer games. :)

And besides, some of those "nerds" that you have met will more than likely be driving Ferrari's by the age of 30 and have supermodel girlfriends. :p
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