Picky Eaters

2 here, though I've never had snails so would try once to see what they are like, if that counts as would eat then just 1. That 1 is liver, cant stand it. I've tried in various forms, but just can't stomach it at all.
0 for me.

If there was one food on the list that I would be closest to disliking, its tomatoes. I never understand a slice of tomato on a burger or sliced tomatoes in a salad, they definitely don't improve the texture or taste of either.
I'm at 12.

don't eat most meat or fish.

needs more stuff on the list , wheres leeks, onions, fennel etc

also depends what is actually is, beef burger maybe, beef stew no thanks.
onions on a sandwich or burger sure, onion soup no thanks
There's 6 on that list that I would never choose to eat but if I was served it I would still eat it. The one thing I really cannot eat though is anything aniseed/liquorice flavoured.

Agreed. If memory serves, like Brussels Sprouts and Cilantro this is genetic.
I would likely baulk at Snails, for the rest, no problem.

I don't mind Liver, with lots of onion gravy and mash (a bit like Kidneys, an acquired taste) although I don't really like the smell of Liver cooking! It loosely reminds me when my Mum used to cook our dog Tripe - sent the pooch nuts, dancing and jiggling :D

Liver is no where as pongy as tripe which is a boggin smell.
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