Pics of my new car

Congrats on the new car, probably a great piece of engineering although I really really dont like the looks.
Looks lush mate. I love the headlamps, with the flicky bits on the side. I quite like BMW interiors, always have. Bet its a joy to drive. Enjoy!
ash7jar said:
yer auto thats best, and you can only have this car with an auto steptronic box, 6 speed

there was a famous thread here about someone supposedly driving a manual 535d, hence ;)
NickXX said:
Very nice, but I'm sure I've seen those pics before.


I also want pics with a loaf on the bonnet ;)

Always seems that the guys with the low post counts have no loafs on their bonnets ! :p
Almost certain I've seen those pics before, might be going mental.

Nice car nonetheless
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