Very nice mouse the Lachesis, I use one myself and really love it.
As a lefty it was my only real choice for a mouse with so many buttons, but I will recommend it to rightys too, even with all the other right hand only multi button mice out there.
One tip is that I deduced that the drivers were dodgy as I lost connection a few times and ultimately uninstalled them entirely.
The good news is that you can initially install them to set the custom settings (button configuration, dpi, light colour) for multiple profiles and safely uninstall them with the settings being saved on your mouse, but without the dodgy drivers causing disconnects.
Been 100% reliable ever since I did that almost a year back and seen me through loads of games, browsing and graphics work.
It really is an excellent all round mouse, but the drivers are poor, though is very easy to remedy that problem as stated above.