Pics of stuff we bought in November!

These arrived today just waiting for the rest to work through the post system.

Pics of my latest purchases.

First up, 3 books that I can't have untill Christmas day :(


Second, some books I bought from Travelling Man in Manchester.


Bought the 3 small Volume 1's on recommendations, if I don't like any of them, I can take them back and swap for others. I am taking Claymore back, I really can't get into it, on the other hand Battle Angel Alita is EPIC!!!
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Galaxy nexus
Sansa fuze
Fiio e7
Custom lod
Ultrasone pro 900's
Headphone stand.


Been a busy month :p

for the amount of money you spent on a fuze, custom lod and an E7, would a Cowon player not be more suitable and offer better SQ?

also are the using the E7 as a DAC? if not, E11 would have offered better SQ and would have saved you £10.
As a dac, no not yet but i will be, anyway i got it for £25 as the seller accidentally sold it to me in a used state, bonus.

I have a cowon s9, the fuze through the line out spanks it, could have bought a d2 but it's hefty and old tbh.

Plus my cans are low impedance, ideally you'd want to match it with a low impedance amp which the e11 isn't, but the e7 is.

Otherwise you risk changing the sound signature.

But the above is moot, as i might be buying an ibasso p4 warbler anyway, the e7 was just to dip my toes in to see if i liked it.

And i do, using a dedicated line out really brings life to the fuze.

The nexus does have a cracking hp out, i would really like to find out what dac they used, it might be texas instruments.
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Ah, just took advantage of the deals to make my first OcUK purchase! :D

Grabbed a headset for using on Skype and stuff that I have needed for a while, can use it for gaming when I build my new PC :D

Will be back with pics when it arrives on Tuesday.
Nope no links, just going by my ears.

I will try the fiio with the s9 at some point, but like i said the fuze is using a line out which to me makes a clear difference.

find it hard to believe the sanza is better than cowon, everything i have ever read on head fi suggests otherwise.

you got any links?
Nope no links, just going by my ears.

I will try the fiio with the s9 at some point, but like i said the fuze is using a line out which to me makes a clear difference.

line out is good because it bypasses the cheap parts.

but the cowon uses HQ parts from the start, even higher quality than Fiio, therefore it is better.

I think the cowon J is supposed to be the best for sound quality, i dont know though as i have never really looked into cowon much, but i was told that a standard cowon will beat the line out (amplified by any fiio) of any portable ipod/sansa.

i'll see if i can find a link
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