Picture of me!!!

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Since Kaz thinks this one is better...

Me again!.jpg


Taken on my V500 so not that great.
Originally posted by McDaniel
...she has a mobile for a face :S
Ah, so I'm not the only one ;)

Damn, though. I accidentally deleted my picture from my webserver - the only place it was stored! Can you believe I have no other pictures of myself?
Originally posted by Roberta
No. :p
LOL, not on the computer anyway. Now there's a convincing argument against getting a digital camera: what if your hard drive crashes and you lose everything? :mad:

I can't post, Phil will be mad, tisn't nice! I'll make him post!
How? By blackmailing him with the pictures? :p ;)
Originally posted by Moeks
I hardly ever post on these threads, I usually just spend my time smurking and all the guys falling over each other for the girls but I'm going to show signs of weakness here and say I think you are quite attractive Vixen. And the only reason I'm doing this is because I've lost count of the number of ales I've had whilst I've been sitting here gazing at my monitor for the past few hours :p

/note to self - get out more and do not display such signs of weakness ever again, ever. You are strong, indubitably your own master and slave to no women, you have no weakness you are ...arhh #### I don't care anymore :p ….ahem

…I just noticed it's your birthday now, so happy birthday, y'know you don't make me feel as old as many of the others, you are a mere 1 month and 28 days younger than me, as opposed to 4 years or so.

perv...now where is that nice picture of you drinking tea while eveyone else was on the beer....:p
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