Why'd you buy her a Dyson? She's already got good suction.
Hur hur, because she's 65 and she had a naff old compact one which she was dragging around, so an upright Dyson is much better for her.
Why'd you buy her a Dyson? She's already got good suction.
OcUK need to start setting up some sort of commission
I wouldn't have bought it without free delivery tbhfree delivery .
Best Super Smash Bros! So glad I kept mine (though its pretty easy to finish)
^ Damn you, I just bought one having navigated to that link.
Anyway, this came today:
How long did it take you to set up that picture? It looks so very posed. ;)
[quote="mrk, post: 21565917"]
The rest is still in the mail. Fancy dress laserquest this weekend. I'm going as Abed Batman ([url=lH_XwLZ6Y0M]Community[/url]). It's gonna be cool, cool cool cool.[/QUOTE]
We'll need pics of you prancing about in your black pants, tights and mask. Then we can decide on how cool it is.
Damn is that the Italian Moleskin one? I paid £90 for that only a few weeks ago!
This always happens to me lol.
How long did it take you to set up that picture? It looks so very posed.
~Yeah it is mate, nearly bought it when somebody posted in here. couldn't afford £90 at the time so was sooo happy when I saw it reduced.
Sorry, I don't do prancing pics, I'm not Thorpy