*** Pictures of things we bought in March ***

Trying to pick up one of those little pen drives but OcUK doesnt like my new debit card. :(

edit: My bad. Wrong expiry date. Also, I have an outstanding order of a graphics card that I bought and received over 2 years ago..
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Super Smash Brothers from the MM and a nice shiny copy of Sony Vegas from the jungle place :p


edit: just noticed the strange yellow tint caused by the camera on my phone :p
Got these this morning!



I would post my new cycling shoes. But I get home at 6:07pm to find a "You were out" card. The depot closed at 6pm :(

Will have to wait till tomorrow then!
Anyway, this came today:


How long did it take you to set up that picture? It looks so very posed. ;)

[quote="mrk, post: 21565917"]
The rest is still in the mail. Fancy dress laserquest this weekend. I'm going as Abed Batman ([url=lH_XwLZ6Y0M]Community[/url]). It's gonna be cool, cool cool cool.[/QUOTE]

We'll need pics of you prancing about in your black pants, tights and mask. Then we can decide on how cool it is.
Sorry, I don't do prancing pics, I'm not Thorpy :p

How long did it take you to set up that picture? It looks so very posed.

:confused: I'm sat at my desk, to my right is the mask, the pic was taken with my mobile phone, could it get any less posed?

Unless you mean that my desk looks conveniently tidy or something in which case you're right because everything of mine is always tidy.

~Yeah it is mate, nearly bought it when somebody posted in here. couldn't afford £90 at the time so was sooo happy when I saw it reduced.

Bah, I waited 2 weeks before buying it as well hoping that the price would go down and in the end caved and just bought it. Lucky bugger!
Sorry, I don't do prancing pics, I'm not Thorpy :p

You can just pose, it will do for us. The sight of your manly figure dressed as batman is bound to be very popular so you will have to post a few pics. Feeble excuses aren’t allowed here.
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