Looks like Metal Gear Rex to me.
Same... The fact that the image is called that helped
Looks like Metal Gear Rex to me.
PS Viate Cradle from Hong Kong as I believe Sony will not be releasing them in Europe for whatever reason.
Posted on Monday, arrived here today. Impressive service I have to say.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Good on Sony here looks really neat that does and not a bad price from what I seen on their site.
How much did you pay, if you don't mind?
I presume what you're saying is that you're siding with the 'you bought it when you paid for it' crowd. If I paid for a car and it arrived 5 months later, presumably I should post a stock image when I paid for it, then post nothing when it's delivered to me? Think it through chump!
Oh, my mistake, Jokester did it so it must be a great idea! I take it all back!!!
Stock photos as they have literally just gone on sale online:
Unpainted Prototype for size:
On sale for 24 hours starting from 1am (an hour ago). Delivery in august.
Just arrived!
HAving a fiddle with em now, first impressions VGood sound bettre than my NS1000's, very lightweight and quite comfortable, not had em on for a long time tho.
nooooooooooo so i have missed out? I love mgs as you can see from my sig .
How much did metal gear rex cost? looks awesome!
Looks like Metal Gear Rex to me.
nooooooooooo so i have missed out? I love mgs as you can see from my sig .
How much did metal gear rex cost? looks awesome!
Yes, it's Metal Gear REX
$490 delivered, which is about £320. From 3A, as mentioned by Aeleys. It's still on sale for a few hours.
Probably the best collectible I've seen to be honest.
I presume what you're saying is that you're siding with the 'you bought it when you paid for it' crowd. If I paid for a car and it arrived 5 months later, presumably I should post a stock image when I paid for it, then post nothing when it's delivered to me? Think it through chump!
Pop a finger over the vents on each can too, even better sound quality, some dude on headfi used blu-tac.