*** Pictures of things we bought in May 2012 ***


Nice speakers
Yeah my routine stuff for the car was major service and a replacement timing belt. I'm just glad I'm old enough and have enough no-claims to get reasonable car insurance.

I'm supposed to be prepping my new study. Can't even go out and buy new carpet for it at the moment, never mind the Heil PR40 or the Mackie Onyx 820i mixer I want. Holiday next month so my study/studio project is on hold until July. :(

I'm planning to get a couple of 5D mkiiis' but this has put a dent into my funds :(
Sub belongs on floor! FOOTREST!

I haven't got room on the floor, plus its laminated flooring so makes a racket on the floor below me!

Lol, what speakers are they, how much?

Logitech z-2300's around £120+ or so when i bought them no idea on price now.

Well the sub woofer would definitely be louder right in your face, not sure about better though... :p

Does sound better in your face but would prefer them off the desk (more space!), just no room and i don't want to annoy the rest of the house with it booming on the floor! :)

Got fed up of constant issues with my Xperia S, exchanged today for a One X. Good move I think, phone feels much better, build quality is night and day in my opinion!
Clutch, Flywheel, Slave Cylinder and a few other bits. £850 including labour.
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