Pictures of warrior and Hunter.

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18 Jan 2003
Can somone post me a picture of there warrior or hunter character in WOW please?

Not sure what I want to be cause I like the idea of having a pet (hunter)
But I liek the idea of having a big sword and running into battle (warrior)

Thanks Luke
What you want is a Paladin, they really are superb at dps. Mine is anyway, I don't care what anyone else says because Consecrate is amazing! :rolleyes:
Hey mate. See my reply in your other post about classes. It might help you out a bit :)

Are you playing Horde or Alliance?

On the Alliance side both Warriors and Paladins can wield a 2 handed sword, and so can Hunters although they're primarily a ranged class so wouldn't charge into battle much :) I think Shamans can also wield 2 handed weapons, and Druids can wield 2 handed maces (hammers etc) but they don't fight melee as they're shapeshifters.

Rogues can use 1 handed swords and are very effective with them, and other classes like Mages and Warlocks can wield a sword too but will only do so for the stat bonuses certain weapons might grant (like for eg Azuresong Mageblade which is a high level epic sword that Mages and Warlocks benefit nicely from).

Warriors very rarely use 2 handed weapons in groups because their primary focus is being the "tank" which entails them being the punchbag for whatever "mob" is being attacked by the group. You will probably use a 2 handed weapon as a Warrior while levelling up but at level 60 your role will most likely be that of the tank and you'll lose all your fancy talents that give bonuses to 2 handed weapons in place of a sword and shield.

Hunter is an extremely good class to start as in WoW as it's a very versatile class. It's probably one of the most rounded classes around, although some will most likely argue that they're broken but having never played one, I can't comment. I just know a lot of people that play one and they get on with them fine.

Like I said above, have a read through my reply in your original topic.
well if you roll a hunter don't expect to be wanted for many instances, most people who roll hunters roll on all gear as well and its become a frowned upon saying that everything is a "hunter item", hunters are essentially a very good class but extremely boring to play,

warrior on the other hand, no you won't be doing much running into battle with a big 2hander if your aim is to end game raid, you'll be 1hand and shield holding agro all day long, that is your job get used to it, ofcourse unless your guild lets you be a dps warrior but at first if its a new guild they won't if you don't have good gear.

However if you plan on PVP as a warrior get a few healbots and you'll become an unstoppable killing machine (almost). Why do you think so many warriors are rank 14? :)
speeduk said:


I started a warrior, got to 60 and the boredness began, started several other characters, one of which was a hunter, got him to 40, was great fun, also had a 40 priest and a 60 mage.

Towards the end of my playing I would rotate the 2 60's in PvP. Managed to get my warrior exalted with the frostwolf clan and then just gave up playing because of sheer boredum.
Kheldar said:
druids are much fun to play imho.

I just can't/couldn't get into any other class after living with my druid for so long (first char).

Got a rogue up to 60 now and he's pretty cool, but I'm not that great at playing him. None of my heal keys work anymore :\
kewl - glad others like druids.

its basically my only char now with some epix from mc / bwl / aq etc.

got a 36 mage but not had time to play him since last yr !

would not change my druid for any other class. he's so adaptable and useful in situations.

just a nuisance always having to carry around 2 sets of gear (even 2.5) to take accoount of healing / bear / kitty cat. and to try to collect eipx to suit each job !
I think if i hadn't gone Hunter I would have gone druid, but I do love hunter to bits.
Kheldar said:
kewl - glad others like druids.

its basically my only char now with some epix from mc / bwl / aq etc.

got a 36 mage but not had time to play him since last yr !

would not change my druid for any other class. he's so adaptable and useful in situations.

just a nuisance always having to carry around 2 sets of gear (even 2.5) to take accoount of healing / bear / kitty cat. and to try to collect eipx to suit each job !

After the druid fix, I went all feral/reso, and managed to source some good leather rogue tier 1's from some instances, was doing some hefty damage in kitty form, and had ridiculous armour in bearform :)

I did miss nature's swiftness though :(
krooton said:
After the druid fix, I went all feral/reso, and managed to source some good leather rogue tier 1's from some instances, was doing some hefty damage in kitty form, and had ridiculous armour in bearform :)

I did miss nature's swiftness though :(

didnt think druid could wear nightslayer? Rogue only isn't it?
hr18 said:
didnt think druid could wear nightslayer? Rogue only isn't it?

hes talking about shadowcraft etc

basically anything with agi and strength i think
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