Pictures of warrior and Hunter.

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Jimmyboyo said:
Here's my warrior alt Tossme, looking buff :cool:

Ready to tank !

Hahaha, tossme I'm a dwarf :D

I admit, I thought you meant another kind of toss at first, and wondered how you got away with the name *snigger*
yeah i've never been anything but Feral (with a little balance).

and i still do excellent healing in BWL etc.

and i go bear / kitty in MC etc as required.

getting some good feral epix is not easy though.
Kheldar said:
yeah i've never been anything but Feral (with a little balance).

and i still do excellent healing in BWL etc.

and i go bear / kitty in MC etc as required.

getting some good feral epix is not easy though.

Went full feral after the patch, and me, and 2 mates (priest and pally) went and tore through hordies in Silithis.

Seriously, we were unstoppable, as we could all heal, I was dishing it out in cat form, pallys bubble and DOTs from la priest :D

We were taking on groups of 7-10, who musta been a bit poo at their classes, they didn't even know to protect the clothies from me prowling in and shredding em :D
krooton said:
Went full feral after the patch, and me, and 2 mates (priest and pally) went and tore through hordies in Silithis.

Seriously, we were unstoppable, as we could all heal, I was dishing it out in cat form, pallys bubble and DOTs from la priest :D

We were taking on groups of 7-10, who musta been a bit poo at their classes, they didn't even know to protect the clothies from me prowling in and shredding em :D

although i should say 'try it with me around' :p
Anim said:
unfortunately i despise feral druids :) not useful in any way shape or form

Oh I did that long after I gave up on tedious high-level instance raids, I wanted to play for fun, so I killed some people, then made a bunch of alts that I levelled to between 25-40, then I got completely bored of the game and unsubscribed :D
Heres a pic of my hunter for you :)

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