*** Pinguy OS ***

27 Oct 2006
Absolutely love this Ubuntu derivative, the developer has done an amazing job.

In a nutshell it's Ubuntu 11.04 heavily customised with a mint menu + osx look feel compositing. Lovely jubbly


I'm a convert and love it to bits.

Check out this linux newb who has taken to it like fish to water, it's interesting watching his journey as new linux user - using what is a relatively powerful distro

Just spotted his Pinguy OS Howto Videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-Spp4RMlsk&feature=BFa&list=SP0EF678A5F9584708&lf=list_related

I'm using pingEEE as it's more lightweight for netbook users. Anyone else a pinguy user ? It needs more love :)
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Very good points NuclearWinter which to a degree I agree with. It swings both ways ... the bloat may be useful to those who don't have the time to check out packages, ie cherry picked.

It's probably the reason why I ended up installing pingeee on my notebook
looks like pre Alpha so it's very rough at the mo :)

Yeah I've taken it for a spin and it's not bad considering at least it gives you a taste for gnome shell but is slightly laggy for my liking so I'm back to 11.04 and its compiz goodness.

Apparently the developer wan't to bundle MATE not gs3 for that release so it could change an awful lot.

Good luck on 11.04 :D
MATE = Gnome 2 fork ?

No being smart :( ....... I had to Google it to find out what the hell it was.

Does not surprise me.. the dev seems to like his compiz and emerald goodness :)

I first used compiz/beryl around 5 years back when all I thought of it was 'eye candy'. Having been reintroduced to it I'm finding my desktop to be way more productive than I had anticipated.

Who needs gnome shell when you can get the same result by ....

Ctrl-Super by default opens the mint menu and I can search for whatever I like

Remapped the Windows (Super) key to scale all open apps :)

gconftool-2 --set /apps/compizconfig/profiles/Default/plugins/scale/allscreens/options/initiate_all_key --type string Super_L
gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz/plugins/scale/allscreens/options/initiate_all_key --type string Super_L

Scaling plugin to highlight, close and move windows - I'll put up a youtube video if there's not one up there already...

But you're right - old gtk2 themes but wth it works and works REALLY well :)
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