PINK MOD! What you've been waiting for!!

The glue is still in the hole. Going to be putting a proper badge in there :D

Going to do another two coats of pink spray. Leave for a few days to fully cure. Then sand with 1500 then 2000 grit. then another coat then 2000. then primer (need to get some, don't really know what to get :confused: )
As it says on every bottle of Pedro's Synlube;


There's a message there.
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Sandy says we are doing more on the case tomorrow... Bet I end up doing more dremal work...

Was my lazyness leaving the goop from the old badge, but a nice new OCuk badge will go there :D ...well it will if I can put it there and get out of the house before Mel kills me..

(god I look like a right spacker hugging that side panel)
This thread had me chuckling - thanks guys/gals. :D

Great pics.

I'm loving the pink fur material - It looks like you skinned a character from sesame street - lol

Where you lot eating prunes with those jelly babies? Man, that has got to be a lethal combo. :)

And the obligitory questions to make this stand out from the GD forum ;)
What adhesive did you use to get the fur stuck on the side panel?
Will the pink fur cause a static build up?
Melm0 - are you happy with the case so far?
I highly doubt it will overheat after some of the places ive put rigs.

Heat does not affect a computer as much as some people think, ive seen pc's with case temp of 70 run for 5 years with no problems, in smoking offices.
ooo heat kills it anyway with the side pannel off,....what you have in that case is a
Celron @ 1.95...method to the air hot out of the back fo the case also there is a 9800pro in there that has miniumal air flow that always over heats.

BUT! we fixed the probel with 90mm fan behind the drive cages. 80mm on the top over the CPU.(behind the PSU...bad design of case) and now I think it has a 120mm mayb over where the GPU is and an 80mm custom into the PCI slots under the GPU..

manor said:
This thread had me chuckling - thanks guys/gals. :D

Great pics.

I'm loving the pink fur material - It looks like you skinned a character from sesame street - lol

Where you lot eating prunes with those jelly babies? Man, that has got to be a lethal combo.

And the obligitory questions to make this stand out from the GD forum
What adhesive did you use to get the fur stuck on the side panel?
Will the pink fur cause a static build up?
Melm0 - are you happy with the case so far?

S'ok, has been a fun build!

Shhhhh you don't know anything!

He'll be good as new :rolleyes:

They're dates. not a good combo. But then again i wasn't eating them!

- fur to panels is going to be with contact adhesive, put it on both bits, leave for 10 mins, push em 2gether and done.
- Static - "there is no static" :rolleyes:
I'm very happy with the case so far.... went trigger happy with the spray paint, and it's sooooo soft!

ps dates??? :eek: eeewwyyy no
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