Planet side 1 year trial

6 Sep 2005
On there website they are letting people get a 1 years free subscription.
the catch is you can only get to BR5... but you get extras like a cert to ride on some quads and a harraser which rules!

i dont want anyone posting insults of the game but if your interested it will be nice if you can come on the game.

i was maybe thinking of making a OUTFIT ( like a clan on CS) you need 10 people.

and does anyone know how much there subscription is? do i still get a years free trial after i buy the game(without the BR5 cap?)
So. making an outfit....
i got about 4 people who will def join.
lets have a meat in game on sat noon... make sure you have a NC charactor.
maybe do the tutorial?

ok heres how it work....

you get experience from killing and attacking people, if your in a squad you share experience.

with experience you gain BR(Battle Rank). With these BRs you can trade them for certifications. ( to be able use guns,tanks, or aircrafts)
its free to get guns but you have to be certified...

The point of the game is to capture as much buildings as possible.
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theres only about 2 major battles going on at the same time. so a reasonable amount..

it doesnt take long to become a br5. but when you start off it comes with 2 skills. one is the ATX, thats like a quad bike with guns and you get 2 of them, the other one is the harraser. thats a 2 man buggy which one is the gunner seat.

you can forget them boths and take back 2 certification points which you can use to learn other stuff.  A gal will be usefull.

And theres no way the games 12 Gb!!11 i took my friend 3 hours to download and his got a 3 mb connection.
sja360 said:
well when i did the download of the zip file, it then went to an install which left me with like 100MB left on my raptor from having like ~12GB. either way i aint installing this.

forgot how to print screen but...
in my sony file it says the size on disk (installed) is 3.44 GB.

3.44 GB (3,699,613,696 bytes)

well its up to you whether you install or not. i aint gonna push u. altho it maybe a little shame ;)
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