Planet side 1 year trial

6 Sep 2005
On there website they are letting people get a 1 years free subscription.
the catch is you can only get to BR5... but you get extras like a cert to ride on some quads and a harraser which rules!

i dont want anyone posting insults of the game but if your interested it will be nice if you can come on the game.

i was maybe thinking of making a OUTFIT ( like a clan on CS) you need 10 people.

and does anyone know how much there subscription is? do i still get a years free trial after i buy the game(without the BR5 cap?)
Sub is about £8 a month (converted from USD), and no it's not free if you upgrade (otherwise everyone would subscribe, play free uncapped for a year then unsub)

Having more certs gives you a lot more freedom, armours, skills, big guns and veh's. I have virtually every vehicle in the game certed, as well as all the support skills (Hacking, medic, engie) that's the role I play in my outfit (MoX, TR), and others have MAX suits, heavy armour and heavy assult weapons, it's all a blancing act :)
Planetside is an awesome game if you find a good group of people to play with, and as for teams, i personally prefer the Vanu sovereignty, mainly cause of the thresher and magrider, theyre so much fun to drive :D.
maybe do the tutorial?

ok heres how it work....

you get experience from killing and attacking people, if your in a squad you share experience.

with experience you gain BR(Battle Rank). With these BRs you can trade them for certifications. ( to be able use guns,tanks, or aircrafts)
its free to get guns but you have to be certified...

The point of the game is to capture as much buildings as possible.
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how long does br 5 take to get ? ... i played the beta, and really liked the game but was waiting for galaxies i think so didn't play the real game.... how many people actually still play the game ?
theres only about 2 major battles going on at the same time. so a reasonable amount..

it doesnt take long to become a br5. but when you start off it comes with 2 skills. one is the ATX, thats like a quad bike with guns and you get 2 of them, the other one is the harraser. thats a 2 man buggy which one is the gunner seat.

you can forget them boths and take back 2 certification points which you can use to learn other stuff.  A gal will be usefull.

And theres no way the games 12 Gb!!11 i took my friend 3 hours to download and his got a 3 mb connection.
shimy182 said:
theres only about 2 major battles going on at the same time. so a reasonable amount..

it doesnt take long to become a br5. but when you start off it comes with 2 skills. one is the ATX, thats like a quad bike with guns and you get 2 of them, the other one is the harraser. thats a 2 man buggy which one is the gunner seat.

you can forget them boths and take back 2 certification points which you can use to learn other stuff.  A gal will be usefull.

And theres no way the games 12 Gb!!11 i took my friend 3 hours to download and his got a 3 mb connection.
well when i did the download of the zip file, it then went to an install which left me with like 100MB left on my raptor from having like ~12GB. either way i aint installing this.
sja360 said:
well when i did the download of the zip file, it then went to an install which left me with like 100MB left on my raptor from having like ~12GB. either way i aint installing this.

forgot how to print screen but...
in my sony file it says the size on disk (installed) is 3.44 GB.

3.44 GB (3,699,613,696 bytes)

well its up to you whether you install or not. i aint gonna push u. altho it maybe a little shame ;)
Since BR6 is the maximum lvl you can get to in the reserves, what would be the best thing to unlock and what implants to use?
Definately do the tutorials if you don't know someone else that's already played PS.

ok heres how it work....
you get experience from killing and attacking people, if your in a squad you share experience.

You also get experience for base captures as long as you or a squadmember was inside the bases's SOI when the hack was put on. The maximum XP you get for a base capture is 2500.

with experience you gain BR(Battle Rank). With these BRs you can trade them for certifications. ( to be able use guns,tanks, or aircrafts)

You don't trade battleranks for cert points, everytime you gain a battlerank you get given 1 cert point ( you dont get any cert points at 6,12 and 18 though, just an extra implant slot )

its free to get guns but you have to be certified...

And for vehicles as well, although they have a timer on them which you need to wait on expiring before you can get it again.

Regarding the troops weapons. You can loot other empires backpacks for their weapons, which you can store in your locker ( found in friendly bases and towers ). You can use these weaoins as long as you have the particular weapon class certificate ( Medium Assault / Heavy Assauly / Anti-Vehicle ). So if you're NC and have Medium Assault certed , you can also use the TR Cycler and the VS Pulsar. With Heavy Assault certed, you can use the TR MiniChaingun and the VS Lasher.

The point of the game is to capture as much buildings as possible.

And to have fun ( and annoy the TR :) )

Capturing continents for global domination is ' the goal '. Some continents give the empire that holds it extra benefits like vehicle shields, faster respawning, armour bonus,etc.... If an empire captures / locks both of another empire's home continents, they get to use that empires vehicles until the continent lock is taken back.
neoboy said:
Since BR6 is the maximum lvl you can get to in the reserves, what would be the best thing to unlock and what implants to use?

Not sure how many cert points the recruits get given, but the tanks are a good bet if you enjoy driving them and also have someone for gunning it ( when using the heavy tanks ) Liberator can be good fun too with a decent crew ( bomber and tailgunner ). Thing to remember is that recruits can change their certificates as often as then like for the first 7 days iirc, so try out whatever you like ( there's a 6hr ? timer after that ). And remember to create loadout favourites with different armour / weapon types. Saves a lot of hassle each time you respawn and need to get new equipment.

If you want to slaughter troops, then.. ' shudder '.... cert the AI Max ( NC's is the best, VS is decent, TR's is passable although it's nasty when locked down ). Stay away from Special Assault as it's crap ;)

For implants, it depends on your playstyle. Speshul Sh....sorry Personal Shield if you feel the need to protect your ego in 1v1 battles, Advanced targeting if you want to snipe, Darklight if you detest cloakers and 2nd Wind for a last gasp health boost to hopefuly survive all the plasma spam on Werner.
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