Planet Zoo from Frontier Developments

I prefer the management side of things in these types of games so I’ll definitely be giving this one a miss judging the developers last efforts.
I prefer the management side of things in these types of games so I’ll definitely be giving this one a miss judging the developers last efforts.

yeah it was a real shame they completely missed the mark on the management side of things. That's what always makes the tycoon games.
yea they are games for children, all graphics, shallow as hell and utterly boring

I wouldn't say that, the lack of management side of the game doesn't detract from the amount of creative sandbox content it has, unfortunately that doesn't appeal to me but I can see why people who like to create in games would see the appeal
Steam usually ticks over at around 6pm so wonder if it is linked to that?
I think Ill give the beta a miss as you cant cant saves along with you. Ill keep it a suprise instead!
Well I've started it, and enjoying it to a degree, but it's a bugfest atm.

Keepers wont fill up empty food and water bowls, hungry animals don't eat or drink. My warthogs are on deaths door because they wont eat or drink. Performance is also sketchy atm. I'm getting 40-50fps at max settings, but it has horrible stuttering problems. Sometimes, it just freezes for a second before going again. Probably nothing that can't be sorted with a driver update though. I've got a 2070S coming tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see if that's any different. It's very demanding though. Don't think you can play this on an old system.

On the plus side, it's extremely charming and easy to learn. the animal animations are great. Go close up to a tiger that's just come out of the pool and the wet fur animations are fantastic.
This is an unfortunate game to be buggy. I apologies profusely if this sounds sexist, I don’t mean it in that way at all, but this game is being played by lots of girl gamers, most of them young, and quite a lot of them don’t seem to realise that a beta game is basically a fault finding process to prepare a game for release. Therefore, Twitter is full of sad gamers saying how it doesn’t work properly and they are uninstalling it.

I must have sent about 20 tweets already explaining that this is a testing process and all problems should be reported via the dedicated website.

I have already seen this game automatically download small patches about ten times or so. They must be working on it constantly.
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