Planetside anyone still playing

14 Jun 2004
As title anyone still playing Planetside?
I came back to it after about 6 months inactivity and finding it enjoyable again :) also i see they upgraded the Rocket Rifle so its more versatile interesting thought that.
and the last Live event has to be one of the most interesting event for a while that i've heard about.
I thought about coming back myself the other week, still might do.

LostCorpse, name rings a bell, think i used to play with you :p Played on Werner NC?
Yep LostCorpse on Werner Server :) part of the 3DRave crowd.
If you see an adundence or copses thats me trying to either A) Kill the VS/TR or B) Me running around trying rez/heal/repair ya all. K:D around 1:2
Anyone remember me ? : ) Efour NC.

still in the top 20 NC werner players after not playing for a year or 2 lol
Well well well, if it isnt Efour :) Dont even know if you will remember me....

I was (still am):

Riddler in PlanetSide, was in your Guild(Is that what they were called? Aint played in ages) when it first came out

Helium in DAoC (Come on, you must remember me now...)

Craig :)
did they ever release the free version of planetside?

I played it for a while but couldnt find a decent guild and found that the targetting system wasnt for me. I like to be able to aim, shoot and know im going to hit what i am aiming at. It seemed a bit random, like headshots with a pistol from 400 yrds in CS!!
Hey lost, i think i played with you :p

My chars were
xHitmaNx - VS
xHiTsTeRx - NC
xH1TST3Rx - TR

Not played properly for a good 18months or so..

Last time i played was in january on some free month they gave away to veterans :rolleyes:
I havent played for 2 years or so, used to play as PikeyKiller or something - cant really remember it too well.

Im thinking about trying to free trial out when i finish my exams on friday and see if i want to resub or not.
I've started playing this game again too, I stopped as I only had a 7 day trial and didn't really like it that much before but now i'm paying for it and with all the updates its a lot better.

Obviously, my in game name on Werner is Ult1mateSlayer and Vanu Sovereignty.
I also have an account for Emerald Server with my name as AthanDaray and New Conglomerate.
one of the newer things i like is the ability to creat a charictor from each of the factions on a seingle server much nicer now.

maybe we could organise a weekend online play? if theres enough interest.

unknown79, sorry i dont recognise any of those names, but its possable you TKed me a lot or just plain out killed me depending on who you played :_P
What are the populations like now?

What realy made this game for me was the big battles. I remember fighting for >2 hours over a single bridges/bases, intense, loved it :) When populations started to drop fights got smaller, outfits shrunk/disbanded and the teamwork just faded away :(

Vanu rule ;)
Last time i played about 8 months ago it was pretty boring. Werner at least.

The size of the battles had scaled down, which was made the game good for me

I used to love sniping, but it was all BFRs those gay giant walking tanks that can splat you even on the walls.

THe base Courtyard fights, again the other best part of the game inmo, was destroyed by the HUGGGGE BFRs.

They nerfed the Infil aswell, the other thing i used to like playing lol

so all in all, SOE YOU ******** YOU KILLED MY GAMEEEEEE!!!! :D
The pop has increased a bit recently, due to the free ' fodderside ' promotion. You do get the odd empire having 2 poplocks now and again, or at least very close to it. which was highly unlikely 12-18 months ago. There's even been a few poplocks in the afternoon during weekdays.

And the recent event was a farce, unsuprisingly :rolleyes: Started off well, with all empires slowly losing access to all vehicles 1 by 1, to be left with only the Lodestar, Galaxy and Wraith for transport ( iirc ). The mass foot battles that followed were good fun and pretty enjoyable for a change, since there was no airchav / tanks / bfr's around to spoil the fun :)

Then came the stupid bit. To get each vehicle back, you had to capture a certain number of caverns. This became tedious extremely quickly as :

1 - The caves suck :p

2 - The TR ( who had around 40-50% global pop for the duration of the event, mainly thanks to the empire-hoppers who jumped ship when the TR gained access to Mosi's / Reavers again :rolleyes: ) gained all vehicles back around twice as quick as the NC / VS, so getting farmed by mosi's / reavers / tanks was not enjoyable..
Efour2 said:
I used to love sniping, but it was all BFRs those gay giant walking tanks that can splat you even on the walls.

They nerfed the Infil aswell, the other thing i used to like playing lol

Snipe a BFR's shield gen a few times and it'll leg it.

And they did Infils a favour. You can no longer use darklight in 3rd person, so you could call that an Infil ' buff ' if you like.
I get fed up with it,
I'm not willing to pay that much for somthing thats this buggy/annoying anymore.
I'm still doing the cannon fodder thing tho.
I do agree that it isn't really worth £10 a month for the total joke that are the Planetside Devs but the game (although bug ridden, slow and repetetive) is still the only MMOFPS around and I love it. :D

Me and about 6 of us all play on NC and sometimes TR.

Iamgud on TR in OcUK/MOX
MCJackHammer on NC in Controlled Chaos.
booted it up last night
remebered why I stopped playing again.
every so often the graphics just go BLEH, and stop working, huge slices of texture in the wrong places etc, invisible tanks etc, walls not showing up etc.
brilliant, only game that doesn't work on my system I've ever seen.
iamgud said:
but the game (although bug ridden, slow and repetetive) is still the only MMOFPS around and I love it. :D

Well thats where you're wrong. Neocron 2 is a MMOFPS and its a larger game, better graphics, more players (though it doesn't seem it when you start), more action (depending on where you are)...its a lot better than PlanetSide and is only about £2.99 or something to buy from places like GameStation, theres still a monthly fee though.
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