very sensible to plan early ,i ploughed all my excess money into paying off the mortgage (took 9 years) sort of foolishly neglected the pension , although i only really need to work part time (overheads maybe 200 a month) it would have been great to retire at 50 or at least have the choice.
i hit drawdown age this year , it was about 70k in old pension pots ,obviously not worth buying an annuity but if i worked part time i could top up with drawdown to my tax code limit.
However with covid i will have taken a mighty battering
Wonder what the retirement age will be in 30 years time, probably 70+
Pensions confuse the hell out of me. I have my current one with Scottish Widows, and an old one with Retireready. I have no idea of I should move it or not or which is better.
Sadly no. It's not even like they make it easy to move, loads of jargon I just don't understand.It's definitely an interesting debate. Much to the despair of socialists, i for one see that retirement by 2050/2060 will only be a privilege for those who can afford it. I suspect by then the state pension will afford people so little that if they don't have a reasonable pension they're going to find themselves working until they literally drop dead.
Do you have access to a pensions advisor through work? Typically you need to look at the costs you're incurring with your old pension, to then see whether you'd actually gain more from moving it, or if it's better remaining on it's own. Depends a lot on how much is in there as well. Normally the bigger pot, the bigger the cut the provider takes for managing it.
I'd love to know who else plans for this and what age you are?
Oh wow didn't know you could even do that. Yea I have 3.Do you have children? My brother set up pensions for his children as soon as they were born.
Besides saving as much as I can, increasing my pension contribution at work, putting savings into either personal pension or index fund, not sure what else most people can do if they are merely in employment with an national average salary.
Private pension is a must if just for tax reasons and quality of life and early retirement.
I have Nest which most of us will have and also a private pension which I then transfer into another setup by my financial advisor which I pay in a large monthly figure and sometimes I make one of larger payments but never put more than 40k per year into it so I am getting maximum government contributions and can then also get some tax back at end of financial year.