Planning major gaming overhaul, check my build?

8 Aug 2017
So for the past 6 or so years I have had near enough the same computer, AMD Phenom II X4 processor, two sticks of 4gb RAM at (i think) ddr3, with a crappy power supply and a 1gb Radeon HD 5450. Not really suitable for modern gaming.

*Just to clarify-I do not have the HD 5450 anymore, I now have an Asus RoG STRIX RX 460*

So recently I've been upgrading bit-by-bit as my budget allows, so I now have a good power supply (birthday present)), and a decent enough graphics card (RoG STRIX RX 460 4gb GDDR5) for what my system will allow but I recently got a job and I'm looking to do a revamp with approx £1000 budget.

So power supply is covered, and I want a board, processor and RAM that is future-proof for at least another 5 to 6 years (obviously can't predict that but I'm going to try my best). So the current plan is this:
Intel Core i7 7700K Quad-Core processor
Corsair Vengeance LPX 8gb x4 (they come in packs of 2)
Asus STRIX B250F motherboard
Corsair Hydro Series H105
Hard-drive (I already have a mix of new and old hard drives giving me a total of about 800gb storage, but this SSD should make my rig boot a bit quicker):
Samsung 850 EVO 250GB SSD
All incased in a Corsair Carbide Series 270R

I have lots of experience with actually constructing computer hardware (I've been disassembling and re-assembling my old pc for about 6 years and been using computers well before that) and I have a decent understanding of how stuff works (gotta have the right connection type, with RAM put them in the corresponding slots, usually alternating, more cores on the processor mean more processes at once but not all programs use many cores etc (hoping I didn't make a mistake there and make myself look like an idiot but still)) so I'll be assembling the build myself.

I don't plan on buying pre-builts as they are usually more expensive than buying the parts, and my current power supply easily covers everything I'll have.

I'm also planning on possibly overclocking the 7700k (hence the overkill cooler) however I doubt I'd need it so I'd probably only push it to like 4.5GHz just to get a feel for how it works.

An explanation as to why I'm not getting a newer graphics card:
Gaming being the way it is, graphics cards will advance quickly and relentlessly, as they have and will likely continue to, so currently I am trying to make a platform that is future-proof up until about 5 or 6 years in the future, so I can upgrade my graphics card as and when I can afford it.
I realise I could downgrade and get an older processor, less RAM, an air cooler, a cheaper case, a non-gaming motherboard etc etc etc and get a good graphics card, but I want a base that can handle anything I can throw at it and still be kicking for half a decade, while the graphics card will be tired within a year or two seeing how gaming is exploding.
So I'm OK with the graphics card as is for now, unless someone can figure out a way I can get a better graphics card for like £60-£100, which I severely doubt (conservative estimate on that specific budget, I could sell my current graphics card that I've only had for about a month and still have the box for but that would likely only go for about £100 so top budget is £200 and I doubt I could get a good one for that).

The dream is to get a decked-out but that is far outside my current budget and I plan to get a weekend job soon to earn some more money to save for one, but for now the RX 460 is serving me grand.

Thanks for any advice about it that anyone can give me (improvements, tips, etc) and I hope you all have a great day and good luck building!

*My apologies to the moderator gods for my sin, please forgive me my trespasses*
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My apologies for the breach of the rules, I was just linking to what the items were.
My previous build idea was a ryzen 7 1800x on a VI Hero board, however it was recommended to me to go for intel i7 7700k by a gentlemen who I work at the same place as, he builds pcs as a second profession so I figured I should take his advice.
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