Just having a look into purchasing a Garmin running watch after years of using either a Nike+ sensor or the Nike+ mobile app.
I do enjoy my running so whatever I go for won't end up sitting unused on the shelf a couple of months down the line. Im stuck between a couple of watches though
The more expensive being the Garmin Forerunner 610, £200 but it looks to be a great watch, gets excellent reviews and has just about everything that you could want. The alternative is the Garmin Forerunner 10, the cheaper alternative that is a little more basic yet is less than half the price.
The two voices that are arguing in my head firstly that I should go with the cheaper watch, as it will do basically the same job, but the argument against is that I may end up wishing I had got the better watch and end up on shelling out on that over the next year. Has anyone got any experience with any of these watches that may sway me either way?
I have a 405CX which is a little older now but I hate how much settings and options it has which are useless. I'm looking at replacing with something more minimal and might end up getting the Nike+ sportswatch.
Not from lack of use either, my Garmin connect profile has 20 hours minimum of training logged per week but I honestly at the point now where it frustrates me more than I care for it. It does the job but it's crap on the track and the once in a blue moon the GPS goes wonky is enough for me to want to throw the thing in the canal.
My opinion, go for the cheapest option. If phone apps etc served you well until now and do the job then the cheaper option will do you fine.
Look for a second hand cheaper again ForeRunner 410, worth a punt also.