Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

You could add Northern Runner to your list. They have a specialist shop in Newcastle.

They also have a informative website.
Excellent guide, sticky material too. :)

I thought a Platypus ran with four legs though and without trainers....and in water ;)
platypus said:
I'm trying to find a definitive list of running shops, but I do know that there is a good running store in the Triangle (old Corn Exchange) in the centre of Manchester called Up & Running (link now added), that will perform gait and video motion analysis for you.
Cheers for that :)
platypus said:
Lactic acidosis is simply the build up of lactic acid in your muscles, and is generally due to you not taking enough glucose in before and during exercise.
Like I said, my doctor is an idiot...
platypus said:
I'm trying to find a definitive list of running shops, but I do know that there is a good running store in the Triangle (old Corn Exchange) in the centre of Manchester called Up & Running (link now added), that will perform gait and video motion analysis for you.

Lactic acidosis is simply the build up of lactic acid in your muscles, and is generally due to you not taking enough glucose in before and during exercise.
Thanks to your link I've finally discovered exactly what it is I'm suffering from and have been for years! :cool:
Anterior Compartment Syndrome

Basically the muscle has become too big for the sheath that surrounds it, soon as I exercise the blood vessels fill up and expand making it impossible for me to run. There's also and explanation for the reason I can still play football (I think!) as it says one thing I can do is use a heat retainer to relieve the problem. When playing football I have shin pads on that are held on tight with thick footy socks. This must be insulating?

Seems it requires an operation to cut the sheath to allow the muscle to expand :(

Anyway enough waffle, thanks again for the link!! :)
Excellent thread. I'm not into running but I know a good thread when I see one. Thanks for all the information I shall read it anyway :)

And Chong, are you considering the op?
I'm just trying to get hold of the physio on the phone now see what they say about it. Obviously I'd rather avoid the knife but a couple of cuts doesn't sound too drastic does it? Maybe it could even be performed under a local anesthetic :)
Chong Warrior said:
Thanks to your link I've finally discovered exactly what it is I'm suffering from and have been for years! :cool:
Anterior Compartment Syndrome

Basically the muscle has become too big for the sheath that surrounds it, soon as I exercise the blood vessels fill up and expand making it impossible for me to run. There's also and explanation for the reason I can still play football (I think!) as it says one thing I can do is use a heat retainer to relieve the problem. When playing football I have shin pads on that are held on tight with thick footy socks. This must be insulating?

Seems it requires an operation to cut the sheath to allow the muscle to expand :(

Anyway enough waffle, thanks again for the link!! :)

You can get the very same thing in your forearm. You may have experienced it when curling with a bar. Slightly more complex as there is also an element of restricting wrist rotation but the forearm can get compartment syndrome.

Sorry for the slight off-topic :o
Chong Warrior said:
I'm just trying to get hold of the physio on the phone now see what they say about it. Obviously I'd rather avoid the knife but a couple of cuts doesn't sound too drastic does it? Maybe it could even be performed under a local anesthetic :)

I take it you'll do a little more research before making your final decision? I'd always want to go into something like this very well prepared. Being cut open isn't my favorite thing of all time, but if it needs to be done then I'd definately say it was worth it.
I'm not a great runner myself so would like to improve, but for the moment i'm taking a friend out running as they were interested in joining me. The problem is he can barely run 100m without stopping.

I try to set him mini goals, like get to point x before stopping (which I don't think to be too hard) but at the moment he's not acheiving that.

Any tips? :)

Oh and I do get to run by myself soo i'm not missing out or anything
Chong Warrior said:
I'm just trying to get hold of the physio on the phone now see what they say about it. Obviously I'd rather avoid the knife but a couple of cuts doesn't sound too drastic does it? Maybe it could even be performed under a local anesthetic :)
The one place I would not get surgery is in my knee. It is the absolutely worst designed part of the human body, and I've seen so many people go through multiple operations because it is so hard to get right. A good friend of mine has been through eight to correct knee damage, and it still isn't fixed.

PaulStat said:
I'm not a great runner myself so would like to improve, but for the moment i'm taking a friend out running as they were interested in joining me. The problem is he can barely run 100m without stopping.

I try to set him mini goals, like get to point x before stopping (which I don't think to be too hard) but at the moment he's not achieving that.

Any tips? :)

Oh and I do get to run by myself soo i'm not missing out or anything
I would suggest starting from the very beginning. Brisk walks 3 times a week, then gradually increase the speed. Then begin to increase the distance - remember, never more then 10% a week. It will be boring at first, but its the small steps that prepare the body for running proper :)

Also - ask him why he wants to start running? Then work out goals from there, eg if its to get fit and complete a race for some achievement, find a 5km/10km race in 6 months time, enter it now, and train for it.

A good plan is to run loops whilst your friend runs his distance - as you're already a runner this will help you get your full run in, without being hampered by him, and also allows him to get his run in whilst getting fitter as he tries to keep up with you.
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Have you asked anyone if this can be a sticky?
It's worthy of one alright but I'm sure I remember something about each forum only being allowed 3 stickies maximum or something (could well be wrong mind) so not sure where it would fit in if that's the case :)
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