Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Just got back from a 20 minute run with no walking breaks (Week 5 Day 3). Surprised how good I felt all the way through the run! Although I didn't push myself hard my fitness must surely be improving? I'm actually a little disappointed the next run goes back to walking breaks but I will continue with the plan. Strava stats 8:58/mile (5:34/km), absolutely no idea how that fairs or if I should even worry about times this early.
Just got back from a 20 minute run with no walking breaks (Week 5 Day 3). Surprised how good I felt all the way through the run! Although I didn't push myself hard my fitness must surely be improving? I'm actually a little disappointed the next run goes back to walking breaks but I will continue with the plan. Strava stats 8:58/mile (5:34/km), absolutely no idea how that fairs or if I should even worry about times this early.

It's quicker than me, although i accept i'm a pretty slow runner :p

Do you have anything tracking heart rate? That's usually a better indication of how you're faring. If i'm honest, with that kind of pace i'd be tempted to move away from the couch to 5k plan. It's generally set up to take things pretty slow to ensure it covers a wide spectrum of people, whereas if you were already fairly active then it might be a little slow.
The main benefit of taking it slowly is to increase strength in joints/bones due to the increased forces being exerted on them during running. Whilst CV fitness tends to come quickly, the other side of it is much slower, which is why people suggest only increasing mileage by 10% a week etc.

If i was you i think i'd look to progress a little more, i'd say you were more than capable as long as you're not instantly going from 20 minutes up to an hour or so.

@Andr3w How's your running going? Made any changes to form?
Cheers, I don't have anything to measure my heart rate, I'll have to look into that to see what's recommended, something to link with strava would be good to make it all automatic I guess.

Injury prevention was more my thinking which is why I was following the program, plus I do like a structured routine, kind of gives me my motivation to continue. The 10k app I have says first run is 4 lots of 10 mins running with 1 minute walking in between. Would this be too big of a leap?
Actually surprised the 10k plan starts off with walking breaks. I would have thought it would just increase running time/distance mainly. Have you got a link to it? Looking at the Strava 10k plan for example it doesn't offer up any walking breaks. It may be a bit advanced though as the first week has you running for over an hour on the long run.

I would say that as long as you didn't go too fast and didn't start massively jumping up distance wise then there's no real need for a plan, but i get the structured motivation side. I would say that only you know what you're capable of, but from your post i'd be surprised if you weren't able to go out and just run 5k tomorrow without overthinking it.

Most HR straps can link to the Strava app on your phone (if that's what you use to track runs), it'll be very helpful, although the general rule is that you want to do most of your runs at a "conversational" pace, as in, you could easily hold a conversation with a running partner rather than constantly being out of breath.
I think so. My advice would be different if it seemed you were struggling or having to repeat weeks, but it sounds like you're flying through. How often a week do you tend to be getting out on your current plan?

I'd generally just aim for 3-4 runs a week and aim for between 30-45 mins for 3 of them and then once a week try and push a little bit further each week, then just walk as nessecary. You'll get a good feel for where you're at. Doing that would avoid putting too much stress through joints but just keep decent steady volume and build up some great fitness.

Also consider a local running club. There's a few near me and people either meet up in big groups or go off in smaller groups. There'll be people at all different levels and you'll get huge motivation and support. By me there are a few options ranging from proper running clubs who take part in inter-club competitions, to just a friendly social group with mainly beginners.
Just did 4.5mile trail run. Puddles, mud, jaggies, hills, rain. Hardest run since I took up running 3 months ago after 20 years out. Really enjoyed it overall, struggling a bit at the end.
Well Derby 10k on Saturday minging weather, and after my total lack of training apart from the odd Park run over the past 8 weeks was expecting to be coming in at over the hr mark. Surprisingly 58:18 so fairly happy (need to lose 7kg though, no idea how that is going to happen either)

Track work is continuing, I really feel this the next day in the legs for sure, really hard work but highly recommended if you have one close by to use.
Well Derby 10k on Saturday minging weather, and after my total lack of training apart from the odd Park run over the past 8 weeks was expecting to be coming in at over the hr mark. Surprisingly 58:18 so fairly happy (need to lose 7kg though, no idea how that is going to happen either)

Track work is continuing, I really feel this the next day in the legs for sure, really hard work but highly recommended if you have one close by to use.

How are you getting access to the track?

There was one at a park i ran around last Saturday all locked up. I think it belonged to a local athletics club. It'd be quite nice to have a go sometime for interval work. It's annoying doing sprints in the street and having to change pace to avoid cars pulling out of side roads!
Yeah that's not bad. Available anytime you want (within opening hours) or do they run specific sessions?

I think the local club have fixed sessions in winter for track, but not sure about other times.
Ah cool. Might look more into it when i'm properly up and about.

Got a weird pain on the inside of my ankle today. Not really felt this before but did a ~15 mile bike ride last night and wondering if it's had an impact. Can't decide whether to take the day off and do todays run tomorrow or just keep icing it and seeing how it goes.

It's bizarre as different parts of my foot/ankle hurt at different times, yet you'd think it'd be more isolated.
@Andr3w How's your running going? Made any changes to form?

Only run 1-2 times this past week due to work. I'm still doing some rehab runs as i'm scared of my knee going again (2 years out with injury!)

I'm MUCH more comfortable running outside. I don't seem to think about my form, i! Enjoying 2min run 1min walk for about 2.5-3 miles at the moment. It's taking me approx 25minutes. Slow yes, but anything is better than no running due to pain!

Next run will be 3min run 1 min walk for 3miles.
Whoop. First 5k done with my 9 minute running intervals.

Probably did the first 2 a little quick as covered only a little under a mile in those 9 minute sections.

Third one I pulled it back to around 9:45 pace which felt better although I can feel fitness is still poor. Probably not helped by eating a pile of cheese and crackers 30 mins before going out though!

Next session is 2 x 14 minutes so a reasonable jump from 9 to 14. Currently icing my ankle as it’s felt a bit off today. Weirdly it felt perfectly fine on the run though.
Glad I found this thread.
Been running a while now, slowly getting faster and thinner, despite my age making things ache I'm doing alright.
My daily shoes are puma deviate nitro which are nice, but I craved something faster, so in come the endorphin speed 2 and I love them.
However they feel like I'm the one being broken in, my toes hurt like mad after a few miles.
Ripped out my insoles, and bingo no pain!!
Just need more cushioning, so have a couple insoles to try.
Nice one mate, what sort of distances do you do? I've done a couple of runs since the 20 minutes non stop and both haven't been anywhere near as good fitness wise as I felt on that one which is annoying. I have gone a different route now though which involves a decent hill, absolutely ruined me going up that haha. I had to stop on the first attempt but managed it today after pushing hard. The relief when the ground starts to level out! :D

Speaking of shoes I do need some as I'm just running in basic trainers, any go to beginner recommendations less than say £50?
Glad I found this thread.
Been running a while now, slowly getting faster and thinner, despite my age making things ache I'm doing alright.
My daily shoes are puma deviate nitro which are nice, but I craved something faster, so in come the endorphin speed 2 and I love them.
However they feel like I'm the one being broken in, my toes hurt like mad after a few miles.
Ripped out my insoles, and bingo no pain!!
Just need more cushioning, so have a couple insoles to try.

I got endorphin pros, really nice, could hardly believe it at first but now the norm.

Nice one mate, what sort of distances do you do? I've done a couple of runs since the 20 minutes non stop and both haven't been anywhere near as good fitness wise as I felt on that one which is annoying. I have gone a different route now though which involves a decent hill, absolutely ruined me going up that haha. I had to stop on the first attempt but managed it today after pushing hard. The relief when the ground starts to level out! :D

Speaking of shoes I do need some as I'm just running in basic trainers, any go to beginner recommendations less than say £50?

It's worth saving up and getting a good pair £120+.

Got mine here.

Your legs, knees, joints will thank me later.
Haha I'm sure they will, thanks I just wasn't sure with only doing around 2.5-3 miles a time while I build up if it was worth investing now or not but I'm happy to pay more if it will benefit me for sure!
So just completed my first 10k bit naff time but my excuses are I'm fat and it's really hilly around here.

Anyway 10k in 59:10...

8 weeks ago I was out of breath running 8 lots of .16 km, so that's something. If only I could get rid of the blister's now
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