Platypus' Beginners Guide to Running

Did my first run for over a month today, took a break with the end of the football season and Manchester 10K. Always amazes me how much you lose from taking any kind of break, managed a 23:14 for 5k tonight, so about 2 and a half minutes down on my PB i'd got up to in May. Although looking back at this time last year I could barely manage 5K so at least starting from a much higher base this year. Hopefully get back down to under 21 by the time the season starts properly. Ultimately would love to crack 20 mins but not sure i'll get there just yet.
I can definitely notice a difference in my running if I take around 2-3 weeks off.

I'm doing a 5k on Saturday having only run once a week for the last 4 weeks. Looking forward to it and just aiming for sub 25.00 and however close to my pb of 21.12. Using it as a guide to see where I'm up to on my shorter runs. Doing London really took it out of me and had the blues about running longer than I expected!!!
Currently confined to the sofa with ITBS (IT Band Syndrome), having physio and seems to be responding well to rest and foam rolling/stretches but pretty gutted as I was supposed to start my marathon training next week and physio has told me I have no chance of that unless I want to risk any longer term hope of running :(
Currently confined to the sofa with ITBS (IT Band Syndrome), having physio and seems to be responding well to rest and foam rolling/stretches but pretty gutted as I was supposed to start my marathon training next week and physio has told me I have no chance of that unless I want to risk any longer term hope of running :(

Thats what I had in Jan this year. It took about 3 weeks of exercise on my glutes and quads to sort it out enough for me to run more than 15 mins. The stuff my physio got me doing I still do almost daily and is also part of my warm up routine. ITB is a complete PITA and it knocks you because it WILL re-occur after you think its gone.

I am back up to where I was in Jan though now so know that you can sort it, it just takes a little bit of time to get on the right track. My physio suggested cycling and some running but stop as soon as it hurts. He advised no stopping running completely though as part of the process was making sure you work the muscles and sort the instability problem (Knee cave in my case). Glutes and quad work is needed.

Are you a treadmill runner or road ?
Road runner (was running 35-40km per week over 3 days), my physio gas said broadly the same thing, thinks it's been slowly building up and that a half marathon race (where I really pushed myself and rolled my ankle) has pushed it over the edge. Said it does need careful recovery but shouldn't stop me running again as long as I do the assistance work needed.

He's suggested:

1) 2-3 weeks of rest then ease into some running/cycling/swimming but stop if I feel any pain
2) Strengthening exercises for gluteus medius which are pretty weak (not worried about my quads as he says they're pretty good)
3) Foam rolling/massage of entire IT Band (using a rumble roller for this at the moment, going to get some a little less brutal as a warm up)
4) Stretches for my entire leg
5) Physio a couple of times per week

Anyone tried Bowen therapy by the way? A place about 2 minutes down the road has just opened and is offering it.
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Anyone tried Bowen therapy by the way? A place about 2 minutes down the road has just opened and is offering it.

it would be good to go to for say 3-6 months so you can see what a full programme is like as sometimes with this type of thing it changes after say 1-2 months.

then you can just do the exact same thing at home.

i used to go see a chiropractor once a week for a few months, then it became once every 2 weeks then became once a month.

i now do the vertebrae adjustments myself by arching my back over a padded leather dining chair. i place the top end of the chair in different positions of my spine whilst i arch so it gets every part clicked back into place.

i get the exact same treatment a professional does but for free at any time anywhere i can find something i can use. even used a metal barrier at work a few times.
When you start back Ricky try to keep on the flats for a while, I noticed mine getting sore much faster if I was running on a road camber. Try not to let it get you down (I failed st this bit), you will get over it and come out the other side a stronger runner.
Thanks dude, I'm looking on the bright side at the moment, physio is confident it's fixable with hard work (after dropping 26kg in 18 months I'm fine with commitment :)) and it gives me a chance to do some upper body work so I don't end up looking like a twiglet!
just did the "Round Mersea" race - ouch !

12.2 miles "off-road", no shade (I've never been so hot), and the first 0.5 mile and last 2.5 miles (!!) on the sand/shingle !

1 hr 40 though - not too bad
Has anyone had a black toenail after a long run? Completed my first marathon a week ago last Sunday and straight after it had gone black. Going to mention it later this week when I see my doc about something else but I was wondering how common it was and how long it usually takes to heal. Don't want to go about going for anymore runs just yet as I'd rather not make it worse.

Most of the stuff I've read online suggests it can take quite a while but I'd be interested to hear others stories as I don't want to be out for weeks and lose all the progress I've made :)
Captain obvious mode engaged. Its a burst blood vessel under the nail from the continuous pounding of your feet during the long run. Ive only every had a partial one and to be honest I forgot about it after about 3 days. I certainly didn't wait for it to "heal". As for how long its going to take to disappear, it could take months like a normal black nail. It wouldn't stop me running unless it actually hurt to do so, in which case it might need piercing :I
Yup, I guessed that and I'm sure I need a new set of shoes to prevent it again. Annoyingly it's already started to lift so I'm sure its coming off. Feel it should just be ok to tape it and carry on with short runs in the interim though.
OOO Did not see we got running thread. COOL
My new year resolution was to get back in to shape before i turn 30 So i can dance on raves like i used to ---> 4-5 hours non stop with 1 pill and 4-5 liters of mineral water.
Started off easy in January --> No more drinking. I have not had a single beer this year yet. Weed instead :D
In February i decided to change my diet. ZERO takeaway loads of Green ****. Only Chicken/Turkey breasts and fish for meat. No Crisps and **** like that AT ALL
Then Easter came and i had week off work. Sitting home bored as hell i decided to start running. At start 20 minutes a day after work. Then i came up with idea of running to work.

ATM I run To and From Work 3.2mile each way. Does not mater if its raining if its cold. I need to do my miles !!!!
On weekends i run just 3-4 miles.
Photo of me from October 2012

Photo from my 30 birthday Rave on 15 June ( It was epic best one in years for me and my mates)

All in all i lost 3.5 stone this year. ****ing love running now !!!! I put good set of Psy Trance and i go like there is bunch of zombies after me.
I go all out Every time. Few weeks back i did 12miles on ONE GO no problem besides blisters on feet hehe.
I am running 150 miles a month more or less. I run everywhere with my backpack full of crap and 0.5kg wrist weights.

Two weeks ago i started extra training str8 after running from work. I do 40 minute workout.
Still keeping to my healthy diet. So mostly i eat proteins and some carbs plus hand full of vitamins for breakfast . No powder or other crap.
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Great effort dude, my only advice from someone with a very similar story is to do some strength training to help with core/hip strength and start foam rolling if you don't already do it. Most running injuries build up over time so by the point you are hurt it is a long recovery, a bit of maintenance work is time well spent.
ricky1981 thats what im working on atm. I run 3 miles uphill back from work around 26 minutes then i do 40 minute workout focusing mostly on : pull up->push ups->Abb I dont want no big muscles as what i got is enough more or less for me.
Just want to get rid of excess skin on my belly :P
Not sure where it will get me but we will see in 1-2 months.

I did had some knee problems month ago. I dont care about pain so just reduced to speed walking and ibuprofen cream. After injuries i had in my life my pain limit is very high hehe.

Anyhow i always do 10 minute warm up before i go running. Wish surface conditions would be better around my area :/

Anyhow best time for 3 miles to work atm is 23.50. In rain with total of 4kg extra on me.

I work as Van Driver/Postman so sometimes in work i shift allot of weight to. But stopped using Trolley and lifts. Stairs all day long.
Shifting half of pallet of a4 paper upstairs is good workout haha.
weightlifting is not going to give you big muscles (unless you use certain supplements banned from natural shows), take a look at the post your pics thread on here. all those guys lift and how many do you see with "big" muscles?

naturally it would take 10+ years of dedicated lifting and nutrition and good genetics starting from puberty to get anywhere near "big" muscles.

weights done correctly will help with your posture, core, functional strength and sculpt your physique into a arguably much better one.

doing some back exercises as well as core work will help tighten up loose skin on the belly.
Psycho Sonny
My spine is S shape as it is. I should not be lifting over 15 kg from what doctor said heh.
Even with doing only pull ups and stuff my back hurts me most of the day heh.
Also i had 2 massive knee injuries. Nail in my knee when fell off a bike had to walk 1 mile home to pull it out with pliers LOL and get myself to hospital later .Cast on my leg for 4 months after stupid school stuff... Twisted foot so hard 3 years ago it all went purple. Could not walk for 1 month. I still feel that some days :/
But eat painkillers and get going. I dont **** about since i just want to make it to 50. I bet eventually after they ban all of good party pills some ****** ones will kill me or give me a hearth attack. Tough **** then :P Im single care about that :D

Yes total change. I used to cook Epic meal style 5000cal burgers and stuff. 20 000 calories pizzas ect I LOVE COOKING :D
So far this year i had only listed below unhealthy things:
Two 100grams packs of wassabi flavored crisps. LOVE THOSE
Two boxes of sunflower cookies and two boxes of chocolate cookies for birthday.
Three Polish sausages from BBQ on my mates birthday
Two small pizzas when i just had no time to cook anything and was knackered.
One meal at Chinese buffet before my Birthday Rave that burned off fast later that night.
Three Mars bars used to eat pack of 10 in One go cause i love them :(
And THATS IT for this year so far.

What I eat every day:
3-4 tomatoes + 1-2 cucumbers a day
0.5 liter of organic fat free sugar free yogurt with nothing
250 grams of fat free white cheese mloads of proteins inside
100-200 grams of mixed nuts
One liter of Skimmed milk.
1-2 bananas 1-2 apples

For dinners i eat depending on taste:
Baked white fish in herbs. So fat Free
Turkey/Chicken Breast in herbs. So fat Free
Wholemeal Pitas or Rice for carbs

For drinks : herbal tea atm or sparkling mineral water. NO COFFEE AT ALL. I eat caffeine/ guarana pills instead before running in the mornings.

Im a stubborn ******* i can eat only grass as long as i see results. Hard time comes in evenings when i get stoned and get munches. I just grab few carrots and grind on that or chewing gum like 2 packs a day atm.

Soon i will move to electronic cigarets. I only smoke 3-4 fags a day only after workout because i like to smoke :) Not quitting just moving to different stuff hehehe.
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Well done zed :-)

Did my first run tonight 5k in 35 mins exactly. Found it easier then the walk run thing I have been doing only walked 3 times for 250yrds a time. Is that good ?
Also under my rib cage hurts ?

And when I run /jog what's the best form? I have my feet very low to the floor there is not much knee bend is that right?
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