Playing LAN in school

MrLOL said:
yeah UT 2004 demo is fairly reasonable

only one map per game mode but still better than nothing
Hmm it'l depend on how good these computers are, if they have something like intel's onboard graphics, UT 2004 isn't a good idea.
In games it says that that you can only have 1 copy of the game installed on a system with 1 cpu. So would It be illegal to have the game on a 1cpu server and use that to boot the game on all the other computers?
Phnom_Penh said:
Hmm, I don't remember having any licensing issues ;). Tbh ET is the best legal option, but demos can also be used.

You don't remember licensing issues because you used a demo and you kicked us out for not being known to your cool group :p
Energize said:
In games it says that that you can only have 1 copy of the game installed on a system with 1 cpu. So would It be illegal to have the game on a 1cpu server and use that to boot the game on all the other computers?
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