Playstation 3

19 Oct 2002
Sorry if this is the wron forum and I can't seem to find any thread regarding this!...

So here goes!...

I've just had a lookie at the proposed Specs for the X360 competitor!... and I'm a bit confused!...

Why does it have/need 2x HDMI outputs???... Surly 1x In and 1x Out would be a better option to Loopthrough another HDMI component!!!... :confused:

Check the Spec
I heard something about dual screen gaming. That would be truely awesome to have two HD displays.

Anyway until ones been seen in the flesh the spec's are all speculation however if those specs are accurate and it comes in at around the £300 mark backed up by decent games and online capabilities then i'll be the first to hold my hand up and admit i've bought the wrong console.
I wont because by the time I can get my hands on one, iv probably had around 12 months enjoymet outa my x360. maybe more at this rate. even if the PS3 is better it wont be massively, and there will be many quality games available. I think PGR3 online is worth every penny of my £280
The PS3 will be well worth a £400 price tag if it can offer dual screen gaming done properly, like offering 2 different views in aircraft games and racing games, as opposed to just displaying a map, or worse, and identical image.
that would not make sense as most of the people who will buy it, wont if its £400. £280 is pushing the boundrys of most average family xmas budget so The PS3 will have to be priced accordingly. If it is more than £300 then it will lose the consone battle, especially as the x360 will be about £160 by the time it comes out anyway.
The dual screen thing sound like a bad moove to. How many can afford 2 HDTV's? Its ok for the minority but it aint going to make it sell millions. The target audience is kiddies at xmas. and us guys are the minority, no matter how cool 2 screens would be!
think they already said PS3 will be quite pricey... but worth it if it lives upto the hype...
there is evidence on an auction site (completed items option) to suggest that there are tens of thousands of gamers willing to spend £500 + on a new console.
Microsoft could have got rid of all their launch allocation for at least $100 and £100 more than they charged.
Sony didnt make money on the PS2 for a long time, they could still launch the PS3 as a niche gamers machine witha high price and lose sales but still with a better bottom line, I know they wont but prices have never been cheaper for games and consoles.
The target audience is kiddies at xmas.


The PS1 cost £300 when it was released over 10 years ago and was squarely aimed at the 18-30 market. I doubt the PS3 will be any different.
Tens of thousands is not enough were talking millions! What I'm saying is It will have to be very special to warrent more than £300 the x360 will be probably half that price by the time it comes out with a massive back catalogue campared to the 10-15 launch titles you will get. I'm not a fanboy I will most probably get one, but not for more than £300 (he says :D ). It pointless speculating as no-one knows yet, not even sony by the looks. I think the best thing they can do now, is delay it a bit longer and try and make it a lot better that the 360, because if it comes out slightly ahead that will not be enough!
SC04 said:
The PS3 will be well worth a £400 price tag if it can offer dual screen gaming done properly, like offering 2 different views in aircraft games and racing games, as opposed to just displaying a map, or worse, and identical image.

I wouldn't say well worth the £400 price tag as it's a further outlay of £1,600 if you want 2 decent sized screens.
NokkonWud said:
I wouldn't say well worth the £400 price tag as it's a further outlay of £1,600 if you want 2 decent sized screens.

you mean I cant use the various TFT monitors around my house? or CRTs?
if its HDMI only, then thats a bit off.
NokkonWud said:
I wouldn't say well worth the £400 price tag as it's a further outlay of £1,600 if you want 2 decent sized screens.

how much does an F355 arcade cabinet cost?
Ive got cheap screens all over my house that would be good enough for multi screen gaming (I'll sacrifice size and quality to be able to see cars in a racing game at my sides without having to press a button)
Im highly skeptical of the ps3, i will believe its all hyped up until i actually see some ingame shots. Not prerendered shots that they claim are ingame and are clearly not. Any intelligent techy could easily see that, especially if youve worked with high quality renders before.

Sony have a knack for using propraitary technology which im afraid theyll over use.

I dont like sony as a company. I think they decieve their consumer a bit too much and make something that could be great into something shoddy.

That said i have a psp and i think its great apart from the expensive mem cards, shame i gotta sell it due to finance problems.
you mean I cant use the various TFT monitors around my house? or CRTs?
if its HDMI only, then thats a bit off.

A £5 adaptor will convert between DVI and HDMI. Using TFT monitors will be fine.
I think the two outputs is for multi player gaming and its a great idea. Two player doesnt really work on GT4 at the moment but it'd be great with two screens

End of May is what I heard for the Jap release, USA is xmas and everybody else is more a case of MIA then ETA
SC04 said:
you mean I cant use the various TFT monitors around my house? or CRTs?
if its HDMI only, then thats a bit off.

Well they're trying to push HD, and HD generally would be used by the majority of the Public on larger HD-TVs, not PC TFTs.

HDMI is the same cabling underneath as DVI-D, so can easily be converted for digital input onto a capable TFT monitor / TV.
Why are people having a go at sony for hypeing up their new console with 2xhdmi and a cell processor etc??
The same sort of thing happened with microsoft and the 360 1.5 billion floating point caculations was it??
Of course these companys are gonna hype the console its advertising.
Im not gonna put any of the big 3 down untill I have all 3 or at least had a chance to use all 3 then can voice my opinion.
The sony fanboys are having a go at the 360 fan boys by listing the 360s overheating freezing problems the 360 fanboys are going on about the ps3 not having any real ingame videos shown.
Its a big and vicious circle.
I suspect that sony might do pretty well having their console out late, they couldnt beat or mach the xboxs launch date so they are leaving it till they can get a well sorted machine out with some decent games and when they will have regained some of those customers who bought a 360 who would have had to choose between them if they were launched at the same time but can now have both? Smart move? I have a 360 and will probs get a ps3 and rev provided they are good and don't cost a bomb when ive seen them in action.
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