PlayStation 4 Pro in-bound

10 Apr 2013
I'd be really surprised if the PS Neo doesn't suppport 4k blu-ray given it's Sony's new standard and they're trying to push the format. Would seem daft not to.

Whether the world actually needs a new optical media format in order to store 4k movies in the age of high speed internet is debatable IMO. I for one wouldn't be rushing to buy a new TV, player and replacing all my movie collection just to get 4k. Buying expensive players and discs all seems a bit irrelevant when you can just as easily stream the content online these days for minimal cost (unless your internet connection isn't up to the task but that's a minority these days really).

I guess the PS4.x Neo could make sense from the point of view of having an HDMI 2.0 output so at least it can upscale to 4k plus I guess it'll improve VR support once that's released. Personally I'm not really interested in 4k movies on physical media though so it wouldn't be a selling point for me.
23 May 2005
how much data/gb does a 4k movie use? is it another case of it could fit on to a standard blu-ray disc but they want to fool the market/average joe and push some new crap called a 4kblu-ray to make more £££ as some just replace their whole film collection when some new tech is out.
21 Jun 2006
how much data/gb does a 4k movie use? is it another case of it could fit on to a standard blu-ray disc but they want to fool the market/average joe and push some new crap called a 4kblu-ray to make more £££ as some just replace their whole film collection when some new tech is out.

why dont you try downloading an uncompressed 4k file and find out for yourself?

File size : 252 MiB
Duration : 42s 42ms

a 42s clip is 252 MiB

so 360 MiB per minute

21600 MiB per hour

23GB an hour

so you could fit a 2 hour movie onto 1 blu ray disc but no special features, etc.

plus i'm not taking multiple audio formats into account.

so say if a movie was 90 minutes it's do-able using current blu rays

it's not the discs that are the issues. you cannot output 4k using an old blu ray player. they were not designed to output 4k.

so you need a 4k blu ray player for 4k. it's needed not marketing. there has been progression in HDCP, HDMI, all sorts of stuff since original blu ray players were invented.

you need to buy a 4k player there is no way around it.
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15 Aug 2005
Interesting reading about Mirror's Edge only being 900p PS4 and 720p Xbone. (Well, beta version anyways.) It has to be 1080p on Neo. But what happens if it's 900p60 on PS4 base and 1080p30 PS4 Neo? Internet explodes.

It can't, the leaked docs state the 'Neo' version needs to perform at least identically to the regular PS4 version.

Of course this really all hinges on some fantastical notion that developer/publisher/SCE quality control dramatically improves because there are already plenty of broken and poor-performing games that they somehow manage to miss entirely and that's just with one single fixed specification to work with.
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7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
why dont you try downloading an uncompressed 4k file and find out for yourself?

File size : 252 MiB
Duration : 42s 42ms

a 42s clip is 252 MiB

so 360 MiB per minute

21600 MiB per hour

23GB an hour

so you could fit a 2 hour movie onto 1 blu ray disc but no special features, etc.

plus i'm not taking multiple audio formats into account.

so say if a movie was 90 minutes it's do-able using current blu rays

it's not the discs that are the issues. you cannot output 4k using an old blu ray player. they were not designed to output 4k.

so you need a 4k blu ray player for 4k. it's needed not marketing. there has been progression in HDCP, HDMI, all sorts of stuff since original blu ray players were invented.

you need to buy a 4k player there is no way around it.

There's multiple audio formats in multiple languages, deleted scenes. Also need to read the information a lot quicker.
17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
If a 4k blu ray drive is included in the update no way in high hell will they go above £429 ... with £399 being the consumer friendly figure . I just bought a Panasonic 4k player @£600 i'd never spend that on a console.

That makes no sense. You'd spend it on an over priced one trick wonder box but not on a console that would play the discs as well?
21 Jun 2006
That makes no sense. You'd spend it on an over priced one trick wonder box but not on a console that would play the discs as well?

that's what i was thinking, he surely means the other way around, which means i'm baffled by the fact he has bought said £600 1 trick pony when he could have had 10 ponies for the same price.
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