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pleasantly surprised

20 May 2007
Bought myself windows vista and lost planet today.Just been playing it in directx10 and with everything maxed (158.45's) (except shadow quality to medium, but shadow resolution still at high) , 1680x1050,4x11/16af it runs fantastically. Allways above 30fps and normally hovering at 40fps outside. Inside it shoots up to like 50-70 area. Im not bothered about shadows as i cant tell the difference at all, apart from half the frames :p .

It seem everyone on here makes out vista and dx10 is unplayable.Not to mention nvidia will be releasing those new drivers that improve lost planet dx10 performance by 25% or something.

Will be testing more games tomorrow :D
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I've just got Vista, and to be honest all i've tried is the Lost Planet demo and COJ benchmark. Lost planet seemed to run fine (with shadows on med) but COJ had typical performance. Must admit, didn't think the COJ benchy looked that impressive.

I've kept my XP install on a separate hd as its still better for gaming on than Vista, but it's early days so i'm not too worried.

Roll on proper DX10 games... (Crysis! :D )
I cant seem to play titan mode in vista on Battlefield 2142 but conquest and assault lines works fine?! very strange problem. Titan mode just crashes to desktop with no error message. using latest drivers from all manufacturers.
setter said:
vista is still rubbish for games, compared to xp, seems to be a lack of decent drivers for vista, which has put a lot of people of from upgrading to vista
Sorry, but that just isn't true. I get about 2% less performance in Vista than I do in XP, but factor in how much of a better, more stable OS vista is, I know which I'd choose in a heartbeat.

I had a few problems with early Nvidia drivers and vista, mainly concerning SLi, but by the time I moved to ATi, my 7800GT 512MBs in SLI were working fantastically :)

ATi's drivers are getting better each release, and to be honest on the CAT 7.6's I have no issues at all!

The people who are being "put off" are just being stubborn tbh.
paradigm said:
Sorry, but that just isn't true. I get about 2% less performance in Vista than I do in XP, but factor in how much of a better, more stable OS vista is, I know which I'd choose in a heartbeat.

I had a few problems with early Nvidia drivers and vista, mainly concerning SLi, but by the time I moved to ATi, my 7800GT 512MBs in SLI were working fantastically :)

ATi's drivers are getting better each release, and to be honest on the CAT 7.6's I have no issues at all!

The people who are being "put off" are just being stubborn tbh.

Well I would say gaming in Vista is rubbish atm, I aint the only one that gets 10-15fps less in Vista compared to XP.
willhub said:
Haha I dont think so, I thought they had the worst problems :p
Ah I just read on Guru3D that most the drivers coming out mainly fix 8 series stuff, most people seem pretty happy with the 8 series but not 7 series drivers etc. :eek:
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