Please break me.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 66701
  • Start date
26 Apr 2012
I'm not sure what you mean about the form labels. We haven't really covered forms that much. Can you elaborate?

The HTML <label> Element represents a caption for an item in a user interface. It can be associated with a control either by placing the control element inside the label element, or by using the for attribute. Such a control is called the labeled control of the label element.

MDN Link

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

The HTML <label> Element represents a caption for an item in a user interface. It can be associated with a control either by placing the control element inside the label element, or by using the for attribute. Such a control is called the labeled control of the label element.

MDN Link

Gotcha - thanks :)

I went to break it, but your site is already broken? It has been hacked by some girl called Beyonce apparently.

It was that or Elvis (we picked our "clients" out of a hat) and I'd rather stare at videos of Beyonce dancing around in her underwear tbh!

Done a bit more work on it - added a few transition effects to the nav bar items and meida page links. Image gallery now scrolls the "selection of six" picks much nicer I think. And refined the album/player paged (added a "back to albums" link to keep navigation rounded and so on). Just tweaking the mobile version now :)

Thanks for everyone that's helped so far. Tutors were impressed when I showed them today and reminded me I've only had it two week and still got until 20th April until hand in.

I think I've nailed it tbh!
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Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

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