Please can someone help me on best way to upgrade? :)

12 Sep 2017
Hi Everyone!

I hope you guys can help me a little, I would appreciate some advise :)

I have an old gaming PC and i have managed to find (all being well) about £400 to update it.

My current PC is

I5 3570
Asus Motherboard
16GB Ram (DDR3)
GTX 1050ti Asus Strix
500w PSU
SSD drive.
Cooler master air cooler

I want to upgrade the CPU but understand I would need to upgrade the Motherboard and the RAM to DDR4 too, this is why I have not been able to upgrade till now as its expensive!

I realy dont know what is best to get, I may upgrade my graphics card in a year or 2. Was thinking of the I5 8400 but not sure what RAM and Motherboard to get with it or even if that is all possible with that budget?

Any advise I would really appreciate :)

Thanks very much!

I would choose these for you:

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £421.47 (includes shipping: £10.50)

Modern CPU, motherboard and memory, you can keep your GPU, PSU and case.

Thanks so much for that that's great!
would wait personally, see how 8 core intel effects prices. technically you wouldn't see to much or any gains gaming wise, would rather sink case into 1060gtx for higher frame rate or better quality graphics

do you have an ssd? if not ... might be worth a think due to 240gb ssd that comes with it and UK RMA

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £448.46 (includes shipping: £10.50)

Thanks buddy!

I am not to critical on it being the very best etc I just want to upgrade it while I have the cash and the 2nd post seemed to have what I needed if I can raise enough cash lol
I don't think you took into account what orbital was saying, going from a 3570, 16GB to a Ryzen 2600 with 8GB is not going to give you any performance increase if you are just playing games, since your graphics card is the thing holding you back. I mean it's your money to waste or do with as you please, but it's a pointless upgrade without a more powerful GPU in the system to start with. :)

Hiya buddy!

I appreciate you coming back to me

I think it's 16gb of ram (2 x 8gb)...

My method of thinking is that atm my pc is very outdated and the graphics card is the strongest part at present, I would love to put a better graphics card in but would bottleneck on a 3570? So need to have a better cpu to accommodate a better card in the future.?

I can't put a better cpu than I have without changing the motherboard that's why I have been stuck on 3rd gen i5.

So if u upgrade the cpu, mb, and ram now then the graphics card can be upgraded when I have the cash that's my thinking anyway lol
Thanks so much guys I really appreciate all your help!

Getting a bit excited now lol....

So my i5 3570 (not k) will be happy running a rx 580 and get a 1440p monitor and should see an improvement from my 1050ti?

I play mainly ets2 and ats and idoseem to have cpu to spare when playing.

I really didn't think my i5 would be able to run a better card than the 1050ti?

Sorry guys I'm a total noob at all this lol..
My psu is just a cheap £17 one..?

I monitor my stats via afterburner and have my 1050ti over clocked. I notice my cpu runs around the 60 to 70% usage.

Would love a 580 and 1440p monitor have an old 32inch Toshiba TV atm
I think I have decided what to do!

Thanks to eveyone for all your help! Much appreciated :)

I will buy the RX 580, Already bought a cheap 600w PSU
I will buy the 1440p monitor
Then I will sell my GTX 1050ti and buy a I7 3770 Chip!

Then I think i can get the best upgrade :)
The Corsair VS units are not very good either.
Here is a PSU tier list, higher the model the better,
I would only consider using Tier 1 or 2, my current PSU is a tier 2 unit. If you are really on that much of a budget then go to tier 3 but i wouldn't go lower than that.

This unit would suffice, and shipping is included so if you are buying other parts then you can divide that up.
My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £77.45 (includes shipping: £10.50)

Thanks so much buddy! I really appreciate your time.

The bitfenis is 550W and for the extra £10 i get the 600w version so will probs get that when i order the RX580, the I7 Chip will have to go on the back burner for now...

They have shipped the cheap one from ebay already so probs not worth sending back, i will keep as a spare :)
The PSU is argueably the most important component in a pc and is not a place to save money. Take that piece of junk so called 600w psu that you have bought. It says 600w big and clear in the advert yet on the all important 12v rail where it's needed in a modern pc it only has 26A which equates to a miserable 312w and I doubt if it would even manage that. If you tried powering your pc with a RX580 in it on that psu it would either shut down when any load is put on it or it could spectacularly fail with the possibility of taking other components with it. The reviews at the bottom of the sale page are a joke and those people clearly wouldn't know quality if it landed in their lap!! Cheap psu's are built using the cheapest and worst internal components they can buy, will never deliver anywhere near their stated power, are very inefficient and have most likely not got critical protections. Please have a read of this article (it's rather dated now but it gets the point across) and you will see why you shouldn't skimp on the psu. Here is a review of a Ace PSU and it clearly shows why they should be avioded at all costs.

The Bitfenix Formula series 550w that the guys are recommending to you is a quality psu and is capable of delivering the complete 550w on it's 12v rail. It also has a 5 Year warranty. Quality doesn't come cheap and when it comes to the PSU it's well worth paying for.

Thanks so much buddy! I really appreciate that confirmation! I am so glad I know now lol would have been an expensive mistake!

I am going for the antec 650w one he posted as its only 10 more and when I purchase it with the graphics card I only pay postage on 1 item by the looks of it so sounds the best option. Then just source an I7 3770 on ebay and good to go!

Thanks guys and as long as I don't f up installing it all should be ok fingers crossed.!

They refunded the cheap supply on ebay as it hadn't left them yet so happy days
I don’t know much about PSU, but had mine around 7 years.
It’s an Antec Truepower 650w it says maximum 54amp but each 12v shows 25amp as in the pic

Is this bad as earlier someone said miserable 26amp that equates to around 312w.

I have a 2500k i5 at 4.2ghz and a 7950.
Thinking of upgrading to a 1070ti or 1070/1080. I have seen that vega 64 are supposed to be good but very power hungry.

What would be my best choice of card with my current PSU? Is the one I have OK? Is there a change cycle I need to think about with it being 7 years old?

I have just bought the exact same psu 2nd hand from ebay to power my new 1070 when it arrives. Antec are meant to be good psus from what I believe so fingers crossed lol
After all the advise that we have given you, you still try and cheap out on the PSU, i mean how do you know that unit has not been running on a mining rig for the last 3 years 24/7?? There are ways you can cut costs when it comes to building PC's, but PSU's are not one of them!!
I feel at this stage i would make more progress by banging my head against a wall.

@markymoo I think you should upgrade it, especially if you are thinking of upgrading other components. The Antec unit i posted above is a cracking unit at a reasonable price with a 7 year warranty.

Please remember, manufacturers dont create all of their PSU's equally, if you look at the PSU Tier List i posted above, Antec have units in 6 of the 7 tiers, always aim for tier 1 or 2, tier 3 if your on a tight budget and dont have top of the range parts.

I appreciate all the advise given to me, I really tried to get the best setup I could afford, my father in law is a fully licensed radio amateur and knows a lot about psu, s and has replaced capacitors in loads of them, he is going to test the psu out before I put it in my pc and check the capacitors etc. I also emailed the guy before I bought it and he said it's hardly been used much and was bought end of 2011..

Im not saying I will keep this forever but at least want it to last me a couple of months. Like I say tho I really appreciate everything everyone has said but I just could not afford to buy a brand new psu, so I went with a decent quality 2nd hand one in the mean time
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