Please help me...

26 Jan 2005
By filling out my Dissertation Questionnaire! :)

I have designed it to be very simple and easy to use.
It basically covers the area's of downloading and file sharing.
Your details are confidential, no IP addresses etc are logged etc
The only details that will be asked are your age range and your gender. :)

Please help me out by filling it out as best as you can, it literally takes 5 minutes. If you need any help, please dont hesitate to post on here and i will be back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you, i really appreciate it one and all! :)
Done but questions aren't that good, there's no options for mp3's in the first few pages. only later on does it ask about mp3's and downloading.
What is the point of question 3?

If you aren't connected to the internet, how would you be viewing the questionnaire on the internet in the first place?
iCraig said:
What is the point of question 3?

If you aren't connected to the internet, how would you be viewing the questionnaire on the internet in the first place?

Could be doing it on someone else's PC? Depends on your definition of connected.
Oh god, it's in my head again. How do you get it onto your phone? Mine is a Razr V3, don't think it plays flash though.
Done. Any chance of seeing the stats (a graph, table or something) at some point?

However your missing a question:

"Do you think DRM and File Protection stops the pirates or harms the legitimate consumer?"
Question 22 should be split into product.

For example for games I want the physical copy, for music/video I couldn't care less.

Question 23 makes no sense as it all depends on bitrate/compression/source ripped from etc etc etc.

If this is for a degree, me thinks you are going to fail miserably.
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