Please help with water setup

13 Nov 2011
Hello all
I am going to be building a new pc soon,my 1st one :) and i need your help.
Will these setup's work? i would like to have the pump in the front of the pc so i can see the levels there, and would like to have the tube reservoir too



With the silverstone tj07 case would it be better with the 3 fan setup or 4?
the 3 fan setup will give me the hard drive bay with a fan, if it will fit

and with the corsair 800d would it be better if i put fans on top of the rad aswell, push and pull?

Welcome to the forums :)

I'd go for the TJ07. You can have a 480 rad at the bottom and have some HDDs in the drive bays.

If you're going to liquid cool in a TJ07, do it properly :)

Get a D5 pump and good rad.

Have a look at project logs section in the forums. It's in case central. That should give you some inspiration.

Rjkoneills build is basically what I copied :p
Pumping fluid into a reservoir is the wrong way round really. From the pics above you will have your pump pushing water into the 2nd Reservoir until such time as it either fills up with fluid and then starts to push round the rest of the loop, or fills up with fluid and then comes out the top of the res - you'd need to be certain your fillport / lid / whatever was watertight (if it has one).

You can do it that way, you just need to make sure you dont get an airlock stopping fluid flowing round your loop, or you may have to put up with the air in the 2nd res being pushed thru your whole loop before it escapes into the 1st res (the drivebay one).

What may work easier is to have just a reservoir in the drivebays without a pump, have that gravity feed into the vertical res, and have a pump under that.

Easiest of all is just one reservoir, but I can kinda see what look you are trying to achieve.
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