please some advice re a macro lens

Found this one that does highlight the capability of the 100mm with kenko tubes


I thought I'd give snow flakes a go, like here This picture was taken whilst I was setting up the exposure, adjusting the slide rail etc, so focus is not great. But I did capture a snow flake (put red around it). Needless to say, when I was set up it started raining so never got another go at it lol
I went for the Canon 100 as it's internally focusing and is generally regarded as having faster AF than the Sigma 105mm and Tamron 90mm options so that fit better with more general use. I do like mine but rarely have time for macro and it doesn't get used a lot now I have the 85mm f1.8 and 70-200 f2.8. I'm actually thinking of selling it :(

Jumping Spider by jj_glos, on Flickr

Spider by jj_glos, on Flickr

Jennie by jj_glos, on Flickr
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