Wex take the **** with their offers.
I had quotes from Wex and MPB when selling my Fuji xt3 and the Wex offer came in at £300 under what MPB offered.
It will vary and depend how many they already have in stock. MPB is the lowest price of anybody I have been offered for my Sony A7rIV - £1630 but they currently have 13 for sale so clearly think they have enough stock.
Wilkinsons so far is the best at £2,000 so £370 more than MPB. Even Wex offered me £1780, so £150 more the MBP
When i swapped my stuff last time, Wex came out tops more than any other place (expect ebay of course)
I cant find my updated spreadsheet with my MPB quotes but back in 2018 this was the result
Ebay After Fees Park Wex MPB Lce Jessop
Olympus 12-40 pro Excellent 425 409.675 300 330 260 £332.72
Olympus 40-150 pro Excellent 700 676.7 520 590 500 £498.23
Olympus 1.4TC Mint 100 94.1 0 0 0 80 £154.54
Olympus 75mm f1.8 BNIB never used 450 433.95 330 360 300 £322.39
Olympus 30mm macro BNIB never used 180 171.78 110 140 90 £108.68
Olympus 300mm f4 Mint, only 2 months old 1500 1453.5 1100 1350 1000 £1,092
Olympus 45mm f1.2 Mint only 2 months old 750 725.25 550 580 500 £0.00
Panasonic 25mm f1.4 Excellent 275 264.025 200 130 170 £172.45
Em1 Mark II Excellent+, No marks 1000 968 780 880 700 £779.76
Vertical grip Excellent 140 132.94 100 0 100 £127.40
Laowa 7.5mm Mint, barely used 400 385.4 0 0 150 £0.00
Totals 5920 5715.32 3990 4360 0 3850 3588.17
Total using best price on individual 5430.06 385.4 200 4230 0 £614.66
Jessops got 3 items,
Wex got 7 items
Park got 1 item
Ebay got 1 item
Overall i ended up with £285 less than selling on Ebay with no hassles. So around 5% lost.
Some things like the TC were £60 more from Jessops than what they were going for second hand on ebay!
I may have ended up selling some to MPB once I got their prices but nobody got everything thats for sure. Wex was doing the best before MPB. LCE was awful and not a single item gto sent to them. They were £350 behind Wex on the 300mm F4
So just contact them all and go with whoever gives you the best price.