one of my flatemates, being a med student had to look up anatomy of an orgasm on the internet. Suffice to say loads of porn sites and other dodgy things came up during the search. As a result it seems her computer has been infected with spyware and a virus.
She currently has adaware (personal ed), spybot and AVG antivirus software.
I have run spybot which found 30+ incidencies of spyware, which i removed. However i then ran adaware which found the same (surely they should have been removed now.) in anycase i removed them again.
I then did a search with AVG which reported numours files to be trojans, which were removed.
However the problem still persissts. I believe that it is linked to internet explorer. I have deleted cookies, temp internet fies and clear history. I also set the homepage to something simple like google. Yet every time IE is launched AVG detects this trojan again. Also IE isn't keeping the homepage i set, once loaded it seems to change to someother page which i guess is where its downloading the virus/trojan.
I'm fast running out of ideas
How can i fix this?
She currently has adaware (personal ed), spybot and AVG antivirus software.
I have run spybot which found 30+ incidencies of spyware, which i removed. However i then ran adaware which found the same (surely they should have been removed now.) in anycase i removed them again.
I then did a search with AVG which reported numours files to be trojans, which were removed.
However the problem still persissts. I believe that it is linked to internet explorer. I have deleted cookies, temp internet fies and clear history. I also set the homepage to something simple like google. Yet every time IE is launched AVG detects this trojan again. Also IE isn't keeping the homepage i set, once loaded it seems to change to someother page which i guess is where its downloading the virus/trojan.
I'm fast running out of ideas
How can i fix this?