Plumbers/Sparkies - Dual 24Hr Time Clock to Hive Install

Can anyone help with the wiring the Tado Ex kit?

The apt timmer had 4 wires. Live in, Live out and two neutral in the same slot.
Tado wiring
@Bigpig just follow the install guide directly on tado's site, have you tried that? Their guides are the easiest, quickest way to install.

You enter your boiler and holds.your hand every step, an 89 year old could do it.

That is assuming you've already bought it.
Strange, give them a shout. Their help desk is spot on. Usually you just sign in, start a new install, pop in your boiler and you're away

What kit did you get?
Perfect - you'll be golden. If you haven't already, simply head to > create account then follow the instructions.

If it's that which failed, you can either call or raise a ticket. IME they've been super quick to respond to a ticket, be sure to provide as much info as possible which will likely save you some back and forth (so when I did it for a mate I included their username, boiler model, the fact they hadn't got a thermostat already) and they sent back the instructions which were even so detailed as, step 1 'remove this screw' , step 2 'remove this panel' etc.

I've had my tado for about 15 months now and finally fitted my last tado TRV in the back room. It's been awesome for me.
Looks like my setup only I have an extra red wire from the boiler for frost protection that was attached to the permanent live of the old timer. I was thinking of putting a loop wire from Permanent Neutral to Pin 1 Common on the Hive to provide the return for the Frost protection. I made a picture but it won't upload. Will this work?

Hive Pin
N - Permanent Neutral from Power Source and loop to Pin 1 on Hive
L - Permanent Live from Power Surce and Frost Protection from Boiler
1 - Blue from Boiler and a loop from Permanent Neutral
2 - Nothing
3 - Brown from Boiler
4 - Nothing
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