POE powered switch?

25 Jul 2003
want to install a number of raspberry Pi's out in my garden but have no power. I'm thinking about running some CAT5 up the garden with an POE injector indoors and a POE powered switch in the garden. I can then run multiple poe cat5 cables to the various Pis. I think the terminology is pass through but doesn't seem to be used by all vendors.

Anybody tried this sort of setup ?

Should there be something else I can try?
I use old pi's (2 model B) but they cannot utilise the PoE for power (that I am aware of).

I have a cluster of four in my loft, I used a cheap switch and a large charging bank to power them all from one socket feed.
Switches that are powered by PoE themselves and support PoE pass through generally have a very poor PoE budget left over for powering other devices.

I've got a couple of Ubiquiti US-8's knocking about which are powered by 802.3af and then have just a single PoE out port.

If getting power installed otuside is out of the question, could you run multiple ethernet runs out to the Pi's from indoors (so each Pi connects to your indoor switch) rather than having an outdoor switch?
You'd need a switch with at least 60W PoE input, which should give you an alright budget as long as you're not wanting PoE+. If this is going outdoors then that complicates things a bit as well. The USW-Flex is probably the only option without looking at industrial switches and the prices that go with that.
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