Point and Shoot for 4 year old

14 Nov 2012
Close to Swindon, but not Swindon
I can't recommend a model, as I can't remember what he currently has [it's a Samsung I know that much]... but when we bought our son, who was then six, his first P&S it was something very cheap, and the results were so poor he was very disappointed, and discouraged... and therefore did not use it. So, we bought he something better, that turns in excellent results, and he loves it!... he's a great little tog, with a natural eye for composition.

Four maybe a little young to get anything too costly, as it will almost certainly get dropped, knocked and filled with gunk, but there is also no point in getting something that will deliver awful images, just because they are young. Start them off well.
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whatever is cheapest TBH, I would try to pick something up second hand

^^ this times a 1000

he'll probably drop it at some point, maybe try and get one of these out door specific cameras second hand, hopefully they will be child proof.
Having visited the wildlife photographer of the year exhibition when it's visited Bristol in past years the from the evidence of the under 10 category there then it appears that no child uses anything less than a semi pro DSLR. (Though once there was a highly commended in an adult section that had used a canon powershot)
Out of the three you posted I'd go for the S80. Or any Canon. I still vividly recall the old family SureShot. Would have loved to have my own Canon when I was little. Don't get something that looks like a toy.
Out of the three you posted I'd go for the S80. Or any Canon. I still vividly recall the old family SureShot. Would have loved to have my own Canon when I was little. Don't get something that looks like a toy.

That's kind of what I was trying to avoid. He's not your typical 4 year old, very smart, bright and an incredibly quick learner. The other issue with the kids cameras is the quality, they're not great.
I bought my daughter a Hello Kitty branded camera a couple of years back, it wasn't cheap and pic quality is garbage. It is pink however and she liked wandering around with it.

Lately she has been using my X-E1 but I thought I'd better get her something of her own. So I've just picked up a Samsung MV900F second hand for £65. It seems okay and she'll really like the flippy screen :)
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